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comments from others about weight loss

Tue, March 10, 2009 10:17 AM

Just wondered how some of you deal with people commenting on your weight loss.  I've had people whom I haven't seen in years comment on how I've lost weight and then continue on and ask how I've done it.  Since they are just acquaintances, I just tell them that I watch what I eat.  But sometimes I feel like I'm lying.  On the other hand, who wants to get into the real reason --- Crohns --- with someone whom you are not close with?  I've also had other people who know I have the disease tell me how good I look and that I don't look sick, which also annoys the heck out of me.  I just thought I'd see how some of you react to such inquiries. 

FPO saintelmosfire
Joined Jul 17, 2008

Mon, March 23, 2009 12:36 PM

 Reply posted for SaintElmosFire.

I think it's fascinating that the sicker I get and the more weight I lose, the more I get complemented on how "great" I look.  I am still 10 pounds down from before my last surgery and from what I had always thought my "usual" weight should be.  It speaks to how sick our culture is, in general, I think.

It kind of depends on my mood as to what I respond to people.  If I'm having a bad day I might just lay it all out there - ugly and all, or if I think I'll never see the person again, I'll just say some benign comment to end the conversation.

Just another one of those frustrating things.

FPO nickrystal
Joined Nov 7, 2008

Mon, March 16, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for ACA11.

When people comment on my weight I am quick to tell them i have Crohns disease adn then they promps a question about what is Crohns disease and I give an explination.  i figure the more people I tell the more people will understand it and hopefully support me in fund raising effortts etc...  I think it is good for people to know some one with UC  that way it puts a face with a disease. 

FPO josh29152
Joined Feb 16, 2009

Mon, March 16, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for TXFoodie.

I get SO tired of getting "those looks" or being paranoid about what judgements other people are making about me based on my weight.  I'm a musician and right before I had to play a concert we were backstage and one of the other musicians in the orchestra "jokingly" asked me if I ever ate.  My jaw hit the floor and I know I must have turned bright red.  I couldn't believe he said that and especially in front of a group of people.  I told him I have a digestive disease and that I was trying to gain weight.  I was angry that he put me in the uncomfortable position of having to try to explain my disease with as little detail as possible because I didn't want to gross people out or make them feel uncomfortable.  He then starts trying to cover up by saying well why don't you eat this, this, and this, and then starts naming all of these terrible foods that I of course can't eat.  I had to just say "it's doesn't quite work like that, why don't you look up Ulcerative Colitis on WebMD or something and you may get a better idea of what I'm dealing with". 

I was hugely embarassed on so many levels and what really stinks is that either way you feel like you're trapped.  You don't want people to assume you have a "problem" yet at the same time you don't want to have to explain to them a disease with embarassing symptoms.   Fortunately I got so frustrated from that experience that I've had more confidence and motivation to let people know about my disease.  I've taken it upon myself to help educate people but it's a really hard thing for me to do.  Out of something negative try to make something positive right?

It's a relief for me to know that other people are going through this same struggle and that I'm not alone!

FPO mugsy
Joined Sep 15, 2008

Sat, March 14, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for ACA11.

The couple of times this has happened to me, I just say I've been sick.  I had a baby 5 months before first getting so, so people assume I've just lost the baby weight.

FPO txfoodie
Joined Oct 19, 2008

Thu, March 12, 2009 4:19 PM

 Reply posted for SaintElmosFire.

I hear you. My UC has caused me to have difficulty finding clothes that fit right, and I still get comments--from family members who should know better-- on my "being too skinny". 
As far as acquaintances, I often get the "how do you stay so skinny??" comments,  I try and tell them it's not by choice, it's the UC, but most of the time they don't seem to really buy that for an answer, or they go into dissertations about how they know exactly how I feel from UC "because they've had their gall bladder out"
Mostly,  I just think they suspect I am a closet 'eating disorder' gal.
I guess I should be happy- in a world where so many women are starving themselves and working out 6 hours a day in order to be a size 2- I come by it via disease.  

FPO mara269
Joined Mar 7, 2009

Wed, March 11, 2009 8:27 AM

 Reply posted for SaintElmosFire.

I've had the same problem also. A family came over to see me  greeted me with  a hug,and commented on how much I've lost weight. it's not someone i see everyday,so I feel weird telling them the real reason i've been losing weight.

FPO dawn28789
Joined Mar 4, 2009

Tue, March 10, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for SaintElmosFire.

I was embarrassed at first to tell people I lost weight because of UC. A few of my friends and co-workers confronted me because they thought I had an eating disorder. Now, I tell people about it because I figure if anything, maybe it can raise a little awareness for Crohn's and Colitis. Some people are really receptive to it and others change the subject quickly!!

FPO aimee
Joined Feb 16, 2009

Tue, March 10, 2009 9:40 PM

 Reply posted for SaintElmosFire.

Most of my friends know about my disease.   And yes, they have commented on my weight loss.  Depending on the day Im having is how I respond.  My deep concern is that I am eating healthy.  My vitamin levels were checked about 4-5 mos ago and they were right on, so apparently I am doing ok.  My fear is I am starving myself to death.  And when I get into that funk, thats when I eat what I shouldnt and regret it later.  Its slowly kicking in, and slowly adjusting to the fact that I am eating healthier and people are noticing it. 

On good days, if someone says something about it and then dives in to what ails them, I tell them, watch what you eat and give a few suggestions.  It usually shuts them right up! LOL  Give up coffee in their lifetime?  LOL 

Embrace the new you, as you are becoming healthier and, hopefully, in remission because of it.

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009

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