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What helps what doesn't?

Wed, May 20, 2009 12:00 AM

I was just diagnosed last week with UC.  I am so new to this and I just wanted to get some feed back as to what helps when there is a flare up.  They said my case is moderate and so far everyday for the past 6 months has been painful.  Is there any types of food that i should eat or shouldn't?  I guess my main question is what do you do to help with the symptoms.  I went to a concert last night and ate good food, but i had a beer and today i am in tons of pain.  I guess alcohol is a no no?  Please help me to better understand this disease.  I am only 24 and have a 3 and 2 year old to take care of.  Thanks

FPO dluvly02
Joined May 20, 2009

Tue, June 30, 2009 10:20 PM

 Reply posted for dluvly02.

Ive had Crohns for about 7 yrs. now and diet is a major factor in helping with flare-ups.  Ive been hospitalized for intestinal blockages several times and after a couple of days of npo (Dr. speak for "nothing by mouth") they put me on broth, jello, and tea for a few days.  Now when I have a flare, I try to immediately go the broth/jello way and have found that yogurt, pudding, (if youre not lactose intolerant), bananas, applesauce and mashed potatoes are the most easily tolerated foods for me.  Trial and error will be a big part of your life now, but if you can talk to a dietician about your food choices it will help steer you in the right direction. 

The hardest part of dealing with Crohns flare ups is watching everyone else eating stuff I can no longer tolerate.  For a former pop corn junkie and someone who almost always had a big selection of nuts to snack on, movies have kinda lost something.  The backyard bbq party where everyone was eating corn on the cob except me was more difficult for them than me because they had to watch me drool and I couldnt see myself!

I just try to remember that everyday is a good day as long as I wake up and that theres so much different stuff in the grocery store and farmers markets to try that Ill always find something that doesnt seem to bother me (like chocolate cupcakes...go figure). Not as healthy, but an occasional one isnt so bad.

The disease does seem to also forces you to change...but dont let it ruin your life. Accept that sometimes being different  isnt always a bad thing!  Oh, the painful episodes will come and go and will be frustrating but I believe they will eventually find a cure  ! I can only hope and pray!

FPO paypatty
Joined Jun 30, 2009

Mon, May 25, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for dluvly02.

During my flares, I have to revert to the BRAT diet - bananas, rice, applesauce, toast;  broth, graduating to soup with noodles/rice, saltines graduating to wheat/rye crackers;  jello, ice pops, gatorade (electrolytes need to be replenished), tons of water, hot or cold DECAF tea/coffee; adding back in solids - bland chicken, bland turkey.  Most important to remember is to stay hydrated - no caffeine, no alcohol.  Good luck.  Hope this helps.

FPO gottago27
Joined Apr 16, 2009

Fri, May 22, 2009 10:58 AM

 Reply posted for dluvly02.

Hi, I was just diagnosed with Crohn's about a month ago.  After suffering months of cramping and diahhrea and doctor's not being able to find the cause.  I too am working through the initial flare up and trying to find foods that are less unsettling.  My case was severe Crohn's colitis.  To start moving towards remission I have been on a "low residue" diet.  The more bland and easy to digest the better.  Potatoes have become a staple for me.  I used to be vegetarian, but need  more protein now, especially to move towards remission.  So I now eat lean fowl, like turkey and a little chicken here and there.  I limit spices and sauces to practically nothing.  Also, fish seems to settle well, such as mahi mahi.  The less "greasy" fish works best for me.  I would research low residue diets and maybe incorporate some of those things.  It has helped me to improve a great deal.  Finding foods that work for you can be very frustrating and slow process.  Keeping a log of all foods and BM's has really helped me to narrow down what upsets my GI tract.  Also, def don't drink alcohol during a flare up, as it makes it so much worse the next day!  I wish you the best of luck

FPO adoo824u
Joined May 22, 2009

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