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Excercise & Colitis

Wed, June 10, 2009 1:22 AM


Im 24 yrs old and I consider myself about 15 pounds away from my comfortable weight. I was diagnosed with UC about two years ago but had been experiencing symptoms for many previous years.

I use to be an extremely active person, but within the past few years that has gone to more of a moderate active. I just started working out more consistently and I am fatigued like crazy. I know not eating my breakfast in the morning contributes to my lack of energy however I cannot eat before a workout especially in the morning without getting a flare up that runs me down for the rest of the day.

And of course, I  am fully aware that getting in better shape does not happen over night. It just seems as though I am alot weaker than I should be. I ran a marathon in 2006 (I was not diagnosed til later that year but the colitis definitely made it more challenging) and I went running a few days ago and could not do a mile without stopping.

Everything in my workout are things I usually do just more of it. I got so frustrated today because I could barely do ten push ups because I was so incredibly fatigued. It becomes very overhelming and makes me so weak.

Its hard for others who dont experience UC to understand what it can do to your body so just looking to see if anyone has any words of advice on diet, or excerise that has helped them overcome the fatigue. (I stay way for dairy, even though I love it!!:) It makes me very sick)


Thanks for sharing your experience and advice with me!!!

God Bless!



FPO jramirez
Joined Jun 10, 2009

Mon, July 06, 2009 9:53 PM

 Reply posted for JRamirez.

Im 40 years old and when I was diagnosed with Crohns about 6 years ago I had set it in my mind that exercise was the answer to my problems.  I had been into cycling when I was in high-school but had long since dropped all but modest exercise at the time of my diagnosis.  As with most patients I felt in an almost panic to do something since doctors seemed to have little answers for me

What I discovered is that even though exercise is not a magic cure it is a powerful weapon by what its by-product instills in you.  Even though I go through horrible flairs that feel like they are trying to break me in two, I feel that by having this outlet in exercising Im actually DOING something to really fight the disease back.  I made the commitment to myself from day one not to let this disease define me and to fight it with every ounce of strength in my body.  

The end result is that even though I go through many of the symptoms that most people with IBD experience, Im in relatively good health and am able to function as a normal person and flairs, though painful, are not as debilitating as they once were.  In a weird way this disease has taught me to be a fighter, something I dont think I would have been without it coming into my life and in turn, exercise has become a true outlet for me to hone that fighting skill. 
I have fallen in love with cycling all over again and am in better physical shape (faster, stronger, longer endurance) than when I was 16!  Next week, I'm doing the Seattle to Portland bike ride, the same one I did in 1986 when I was young and IBD-free and like the last four years in a row, Im going to continue to kick the previous years record to the curb and remember that Im the one in control of my life and that Crohns can kiss my ass. 

FPO pcwace
Joined Jul 6, 2009

Mon, June 29, 2009 10:05 PM

 Reply posted for JRamirez.

I eat oatmeal everyday for breakfast.  It starts the day off right, and slows down the urgency of having multiple BMs during the day.  I usually mix applesauce with the oatmeal.

FPO unclebuzz
Joined Jun 29, 2009

Mon, June 29, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for JRamirez.

I am a 32 year old female diagnosed with Chron's. When I was in college I was diagnosed; it seems like I have been in a constant flare up since then. The best medication I ever took, was Remicade, but ended up having an allergic reaction after a year of taking it and had to stop. I'm currently taking Humira and Prednisone, but it really isn't working as well as I would like it to. Last August I was so sick that I couldn't get out of bed, couldn't eat, and pretty much slept all day. When I finally got to a point where I could function again, I told myself that I would not let Chron's run my life. It has been difficult, but I continue to remind myself that life could be worse. Some days it is hard to convience myself of that, but I try to remember where I was at and where I am now. Anyways, because of that situation I decided I was going to complete a sprint triathlon 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 3.1 mile run!  In 14 days I will be competing in that race. The training has been difficult, but I never gave up. There have been days when I have been on the treadmill and had to stop every five minutes to go to the bathroom, but I kept going! The people surrounding me have given me weird looks, but hey I'm doing something with my life and I'm not going to let Chron's control me. Running is the hardest thing to do, and it is the thing I am most concerned about with the race due to the bathroom issue, but I will make it. I have noticed that biking and swimming are a lot easier on my body and I don't have as many bad side affects while doing these activities. Don't get me wrong there have been many days when I thought I just couldn't do it, but I try to think of all the good things in my life. My friends, my family, and all of the ones that give me the strenght and support I need to keep going. I still have the famous moon face from the prednisone, but at least my body isn't gaining weight! 

FPO jstroeing
Joined Jun 29, 2009

Sun, June 28, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for JRamirez.

I'm on Lialda as well. One of the major side effects is fatigue. I increased my potassium intake for cramping I was suffering, and really maxed out my B12 and B6 intake. This helped incredibly with the fatigue and allowed me to slowly return to exercise. I don't like to push name brands, but I take a Stacker2 5 Hour Energy every morning and I feel almost normal all day

Good luck with whatever you try.


FPO dragonryder
Joined Dec 12, 2008

Thu, June 25, 2009 10:13 AM

 Reply posted for JRamirez.

Diagnosed with colitis 2005 officially, but experienced problems with muscle fatigue, inflammation 2-3 years prior.  Finally able to correlate the two problems as part of the same disease process.  My problem has been significant muscle inflammation following exercise, which has caused me to have persistent dwindling endurance.  I can never get over the previous workout.  I use to be exremely active with running, and cycling long distance. 

I started the SCD diet plan 2-3 months ago and have seen significant improvement in my colitis, fatigue and muscle pain.  I'm hoping that once the colitis resolves then I will be over this muscle condition as well.  I definitely see a correlation between diet and IBD.

I would consider dietary changes.  Good luck!

FPO opto
Joined Feb 17, 2009

Sat, June 13, 2009 9:10 PM

 Reply posted for JRamirez.

Hang in there and keep working out--sometimes those slumps seem to go on forever.  I WOULD try to get up early enough to eat breakfast--it's had to go far in a car without gas, and your body needs that food in order to work out.  I've had UC for about 40 years--I'm nearly 61.  I get up at 4:45 a.m. in order to eat and give my colon a chance to act up before I go to kickboxing for 2 1/2 hours at 7 a.m.  Then I hit the gym for another couple of hours of cardio and weight-lifting.  Sometimes I go back to an afternoon kickboxing class.  All of this is intense--I don't believe in wimpy workouts.  I look good.  I may be in lously HEALTH due to the UC, but I'm in great shape.  My kickboxing studio has even used me in a TV ad!

I say all of this because I KNOW how hard it is to work out when you're really tired.  (I also know that non-retired people just don't have the time to work out four to five hours a day!)  But just do something.  Sometimes you feel better after you start.  And with your athletic background you have the "body-memory" of what working out should feel like.  I found it really helpful to join a small gym with a handy bathroom.  I do my best sprints when I'm on the summit trainer or treadmill, get cramps, and have to get to the bathroom fast!  I've never had to leave a kickboxing class because of cramps, but my teachers have been informed that I have health issues, so they're very understanding.  Your great love is probably running outside, and that may not be possible now until your IBD is better controlled, but there is still a lot you can do to get into fantastic shape.  And one day you'll be marathoning again, probably!  Be patient and persistent.

FPO je
Joined Dec 3, 2008

Fri, June 12, 2009 8:35 PM

 Reply posted for JRamirez.

Hello, I am 23 years old and was just diagnosed with severe UC. I use to go to the gym allll the time and be in good shape but now i don't have the energy either and the medications I am made me blow up like a balloon. I look and feel like I am 3 months pregnant. I hate it cause the summer is comming too and now i have to get a bigger bathing suit. I really don't know if it's depression for me because all of this hitting me at once or if its the UC that is taking my energy away. Sorry I dont have any advice but just wanted to let you know I am experiencing the same thing and I know it sucks!

FPO ashley22
Joined May 18, 2009

Fri, June 12, 2009 3:21 AM

 Reply posted for JRamirez.

I as well am 24 years and have the same problem. I get tired, and have a lack of energy compared to earlier years which sucks because i feel the need to lose weight. I feel a problem is iron deficiency. I am more prone to being anemic and i think that contributes to my problem! It sucks but its part of the disease! Good luck!

FPO acooperm
Joined Jun 12, 2009

Wed, June 10, 2009 10:55 PM

 Reply posted for Summer2009.

I take Lialda. I should probably research a little better and see the side effects. I read them in the beginning but could not tell you them off the top of my head.

FPO jramirez
Joined Jun 10, 2009

Wed, June 10, 2009 1:33 PM

 Reply posted for JRamirez.

Are you on any meds?  They may be causing some of your fatigue and weakness as well.

FPO summer2009
Joined May 5, 2009

Wed, June 10, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for asohn.

Thanks for the advice!!! Ill definitely try your methods of working out! I have been going with my younger sister to boxing training and it is extremely intense. She is doing amazing and I look pitiful! lol It may just be to much for my body and I need to slow it down.

Thanks so much for your advice! I do appreciate it!

FPO jramirez
Joined Jun 10, 2009

Wed, June 10, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for JRamirez.

It is extremely frustrating when you used to be so active and in shape to find yourself unable to do even small amounts of exercise.  I am struggling two- after two babies in 3 years and now UC I am not nearly as in shape as I used to be.  I used to be able to run 8miles (kudos on a marathon I was never that good!)  now I can hardly keep up chasing two kids.  Yoga is a great option.  But for me- well I just don't have the patience for it.  Instead I do isometric exercises.  Leg lifts, butt squeezes, crunches, lower back twists, push ups against the wall etc.  Sometimes if I have the energy I add some squats.  Try to break it up- do about 15min at a time.  Maybe do 15mins of walking and 15mins of isometric exercises.  It will also help you because your digestive track is a smooth muscle and the workout is good for it also.  If you are flaring- just listen to your body.  Maybe just a slow walk.  Hang in there.  Remember with UC everything we accomplish is amazing.  now I need to follow my own advice and get some exercise LOL!

FPO asohn
Joined Dec 22, 2008

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