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Seasonal Flare Ups and Husbands

Mon, June 29, 2009 12:00 AM

Hello.  I'm a 32 year female diagnosed with Chron's disease.  I have been taking Humira and recently added prednisone to deal with a flare up.  I tend to always have flare ups in the spring.  Last year I started a flare up in April and again this year I have another flare up starting in April.  I have issues throughout the year, but I can control it and deal with it for the most part.  But once April comes around, I get pretty sick and have a hard time dealing with my day to day activities.  Does anyone else tend to have seasonal flare ups?  What have your doctors said about that issue?

Also, how do people deal with their husbands?  My husband has been having a very hard time dealing with me being sick.  He is so worried and I forget that he is going through the lost of a healthy wife.  We have been trying to get pregnant, without any luck, and now the doctor has told us we have to stop trying because of the flare up.  I forget he is also going through this!  Any hints or tips on how to be more sensitive to his needs.



FPO jstroeing
Joined Jun 29, 2009

Wed, July 08, 2009 7:08 PM

 Reply posted for jstroeing.

Hi there,  I definitely have flare ups during certain times of the year. I teach and I went back to work in September full time after teaching part time for five years and I flared up then...stress.  I also flared up at the end of the year...stress again.  Is April a more stressful time for you and your family?  Another thing we have in common is the struggle to get pregnant.  I did ivf for my two girls.  Stress plays a major role in my chrons and ulcerative colitis.  I do not know for a fact but it may have played a role in my inability to conceive because there was no other medical reason. 

My husband and I have been married for ten years and we've been through a lot.  Right after my first daughter was born he was hospitalized and had a foot of his intestines removed from diverticulitis and he had a colostomy bag for 4 months, was out of work etc.  We struggled trying to have children.  Then both my pregnancies were high risk so there were many restrictions.  Then I get this miserable disease and things have changed a little but he's very supportive and I try to explain how I'm feeling and apologize but he knows I didn't ask for this and would much rather be feeling good all of the time.  Hang in there and keep posting.  It keeps me feeling I'm not the only one!


FPO ngc249
Joined Dec 19, 2008

Tue, June 30, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for jstroeing.


Thank you guys for your kind thoughts and information.  I hate the weather in the winter, but my health is a lot better.  Yesterday I went to see the doctor again, because I just can't get this flare under control.  He told me that I can't do the triathlon I have been training for all year.  The whole reason why I decided to do it was to show the disease that it doesn't control me.  I'm hoping by some miracle the medicine will kick in before the race, but I know my health is more important!  I just wanted to make a statement!  Oh well, it is just disappointing.

As for the husbands...they all get lots of praise from me!  The things they have to deal with and the things they thought they would never see of us.  My husband is great, I just feel bad when I get sick.  It definitely slows down our household and I can't contribute like I have in the past.  I'm just thankful I've decided to be a teacher and my Chron's usually acts up during the summer when I'm off! 

Thanks again for all of your advice!


FPO jstroeing
Joined Jun 29, 2009

Tue, June 30, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for jstroeing.

i also have seasonal flares.  april seems to be a bad month for me.  why?  just like everything else with this disease - who knows?

this is *** spouses.  my poor husband just had to carry me to the bathroom and do other much more unsightly things after a surgery i just had.  i decided he really must love me to be willing to do what he had to do.  i was so thankful for him, and i told him so.  i sometimes felt guilty for putting him through that, but i had no choice, obviously.  i think he also had his eyes opened at just how much i do to keep the house running, when i wasn't able to do those things anymore and he had to take it up.

remember that your disease does not define all that you are, even though it's hard to keep that in mind during a flare.  your husband is with you because he loves you.  as long as you appreciate each other, and be sure to communicate (even when you may not want to), things will work out.  i think this site also has some information specifically for spouses.

FPO nickrystal
Joined Nov 7, 2008

Mon, June 29, 2009 8:15 PM

 Reply posted for jstroeing.

Hi Jen,

I posted on Saturday under LSF.  I have two adult children.  I guess I was lucky to only have short bowel earlier in my life.  I was diagnosed with Crohn's about 3 years ago.  I also have flares in the spring also.  Most GI specialists will tell you that there is definitely something to the change of the seasons and the tendency to flare.  Have you considered Remicade? 

 I know of a gal who had a baby this past February.  Right after the baby was born, they brought her an infusion of Remicade.  Of course she can't breast feed, but I didn't breast feed either and my kids are totally healthy.  Thank God for formula.  Anyway, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and keep wishing you the best of luck in your strive for a baby. 

On the husband thing, I almost died a number of years ago and the Dr. pulled my husband aside and explained that he was going to have to be understanding about a lot of things....a lot of unladylike things and he would just have to deal with it...I was alive and that was all that mattered.  I know it can be tough!!  Could you possibly take your husband with you on a Dr. visit? 

FPO lsf
Joined Jun 28, 2009

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