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what are your vices?

Wed, October 21, 2009 12:00 AM

abraham lincoln once said "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues."  =)

with crohn's, i feel like i have no desire to even see what would happen if i drink alcohol, caffeine, or intense drugs (mushrooms, acid, whatnot). my only vice is marijuana (which by the way, is great for stomach aches, your appetite, and a quick happiness boost), but this is not appropriate for many social situations.

i just turned 21 (two days ago) and i feel like i am missing out on going to bars, drinking anything, and i never know what to say when people ask why i don't drink (i really don't want to tell anyone but close friends about my crohn's because i don't want people to feel bad for me).

i am vegetarian, and can no longer eat soy nor dairy and generally avoid corn syrup, which is really restricting, especially when it comes to sweet foods. i have always been ice cream's number one fan, and i feel a sort of void in the dessert section of my life.

so, what are your vices and what are your favorite crohn's friendly desserts? and how do you tactfully without divulging your entire life story, tell people that you don't drink?

FPO bethany
Joined Jul 1, 2019

Thu, December 17, 2009 3:03 PM

 Reply posted for bethany.

I have found that smoking marijuana is one of the few things that helps me feel better. It relaxes my nerves and my stomach and I'm less likely to be constantly worrying about where the closest bathroom is or obsessing over when my next accident will be. I've considered talking to the doctor about some kind of anxiety medication, but to be honest, I would rather smoke something that naturally grows from the ground than get addicted to prescription drugs for anxiety. Plus I just don't want to have to take another medicine. I'm optimistic that more states will begin to approve the use of medical marijuana and that Crohns patients will be able to qualify for it.

FPO c_felder
Joined Dec 16, 2009

Thu, December 03, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for bethany.

My name is Cameron, I am 26 and have had Crohn's for 4 1/2 years.  I used to be a sailor and drank a lot, but eventually it got to where every time i drank, my crohn's put me in the hospital for it.  Powerful motivator to say the least, but i still go to bars with friends.  Lately about twice a week.  Just drink something else.  And your drinking friends will LOVE you because you can drive(if you dont mind, which i dont).

If you dont want to talk about why you dont drink, then if someone asks, just say "because I dont".  With the proper tone, people wont push any further.

As far as vices, they dont have to be things that are unhealthy to qualify as vices.  I love books of any kind.  In tying in with the bar theme, another of my vices is Karaoke. 

The main thing is, enjoy whatever you do.


Good Luck - Cam

FPO camcam925
Joined Dec 3, 2009

Mon, November 02, 2009 8:57 AM

 Reply posted for bethany.

I just found out that depression is common with Crohn's disease.  That makes perfect sense.  Pot and alcohol are downers that may help with the stress of the moment but will over all make depression worse in the long run.  Have you considered talking to your dr about an antidrepsant?  That is not only legal (and less expensive) if you have a perscription but won't exacerbate your condition.  The reason it helps with cramping is because THC is a narcotic. 
Being unable to join in with the crowd and drink seems as though you may be missing out on something.  Believe it or not, you're not missing much.  I may be old and a prude, but I've done my partying and when I look back it wasn't any defining moment in my life, but staying three weeks in the hospital away from my children and on my deathbed was.  If only I had taken my medicine when I was young, if only I had not indulged in foods (junk) that I LOVE, if only I hadn't had a beer three times a week for the past two months before I had my major flare.  Take it from someone who knows and has been there.  Think about your future health NOW if you want to be a mother. 
I have no answers on the sweets, except my husband's cousin gave me a natural recipe for confection.  Check out the Nourishing Traditions cookbook by Nancy Falon too.  I think there are some recipes in there as well for a more natural approach to cooking.  I have been eating yogurt or icecream for dessert.  I steer clear of caffine except for my one, sugar free cup of coffee in the morning.  It makes me run to the bathroom but it's worth the trouble.  I guess that would be my vice!  If I can find the recipe, I wll post it.  Dissorganization, another vice.

FPO vaudry
Joined Jun 18, 2009

Fri, October 30, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for bethany.

Depending on your meds, I would think alcohol would be ok.  Limted but, ok.  I used to adjust my meds and would be able to drink wine, Long Islands, etc.  I'm also a smoker (cigarettes) and also drink caffeine (pop).

As for diet, that's a tough one.  I don't think any two people are exactly the same.  You kind of just have to play around with it and see what works.  Try things more than once though.  I can have a bad day with something and a week later be fine.  Can definitely not really do dairy.  There are some ice creams that are non-dairy.  Many stores don't sell them though.  They're not too bad.  I have an extreme sweet tooth and pretty much eat anything.  Sometimes I pay for it but, I do it anyway.

FPO teacher74
Joined Oct 27, 2009

Thu, October 29, 2009 2:30 PM

 Reply posted for bethany.

I am a 29 year old female with Crohn's Disease, I spent most of 2008 in the hospital, had my colon removed, then reconnected.  I am a very social person and due to my job I am out with clients alot.  At first I was not really able to drink any alcohol.  But now I am able to have a few glasses of wine and as long as I am on all of my meds I am ok.  I usually limit my drinking to one day a week like Friday or Saturday, I drink Vodka/Soda, and usually feel fine.  I know alot of people on Crohn's say they feel worse.  I am also able to have caffeine.  I was surprised I was able to handle all of this b/c I have a pretty severe case of Crohn's, I am on 8 different oral meds a day along with one injection of Humiria each week.

FPO sarahk
Joined Aug 24, 2009

Mon, October 26, 2009 5:03 PM

 Reply posted for bethany.

I’ve had UC for 13 years, and, during that time, have tried eliminating almost every type of food and drink at one time or another.  Long story short, the only thing I’ve found that I can conclude with certainty does affect the disease (for me) is caffeine/coffee, hence, I’ve not had coffee in years (which sucks because I love coffee—worked at Starbucks as a barista all throughout my undergrad).

I think too many UC and CD patients jump to conclusions when it comes to diet, i.e., believing that one thing or another is, per se, bad for them, when such might not be the case at all.  For example, I once had a horrible flare after drinking red wine—so what did I do?  I stopped drinking red wine for 3 years, thinking that it was the culprit.  Gave red wine another shot latter on, only to find that my body tolerated it without issue—sucks because I deprived myself for three years of something I very much enjoyed.  I see a lot of patients do this—and I can’t blame them; however, I think that diet advice should be given with the caveat that no two UC/CD patients suffer identically, and, thus, what works diet-wise for you, might not work for someone else.

That said, my vices are beer, wine, and Scotch.  For what it’s worth, a bit of alcohol now and again I perceive actually to help my symptoms (especially Scotch).  Likely it’s just that these things chill me out a bit (stress really seems to exacerbate my symptoms), and that my body responds accordingly.


FPO ascensionist
Joined Oct 26, 2009

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