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Pregnancy w/ crohns

Mon, March 17, 2008 9:00 PM

 I would like to know if anyone has had a pregnancy, or known of anyone who has, while they had crohn's.  I am currently taking Pentasa 250mg, 5 capsules, 4 times a day, and everything I've read seems to say it's ok.  I was wondering aabout how the pregnancy went and if you feel it affected you.

Quick background: was diagnosed in 3rd grade (1975) and have had bouts off and on.  Wasfortuante to have 10yrs free from pain and problems. Last 5 years not so good, but the last 4 months better - no steroids, only the Pentasa (knock on wood).

Any feed back would be great.

Thank you

FPO dlnhawaii
Joined Mar 17, 2008

Wed, April 02, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for dlnhawaii.

I have Crohn's and Just had a baby in September. During my pregnancy I continued to take Pentasa and a low dose of 6mp. All my doctors agreed that staying on my medication and preventing a flare up would be best for myself and my baby. My disease was in remission during my whole pregnancy and I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy!  The only downside was becasue I continued to take 6MP I was not able to breastfeed - that was a hard decision but I think I made the right one.

Good Luck!

FPO cc
Joined Apr 8, 2008

Fri, March 28, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for dlnhawaii.

I have two boys and went into complete remission with both pregnancies.  I was on steroids 5-10 mg through my first pregnancy and nothing for the second.  After the second, I stayed in remission for over 3 years, only recently having a flare up.  Remicade was still very new with my first and I didn't want to risk it.  At the time, steroids seemed to be the least harmful and kept me feeling well.

I remember the fear on not knowing if I could do it.  I had a miscarriage first and really got scared, but the next two pregnancies were perfectly normal and my boys are very healthy.

FPO scemde
Joined May 18, 2008

Sat, March 22, 2008 4:38 PM

 Reply posted for dlnhawaii.


I have had Crohn's for a long time and I have also had 4 children.  I took Pentasa while pregnant and it did no harm.  I don't have flare ups when I am pregnant and seem to do better.  My kids are all healthy and couldn't be happier.

FPO anniecrandall
Joined Mar 22, 2008

Fri, March 21, 2008 9:03 PM

 Reply posted for dlnhawaii.

Hi, well I was diagnosed a little over 4 years ago with Crohns......I got sick immediately after having my second child.  I now also have a 14 month old.  I quit all my drugs during pregnancy which probably wasnt the best choice but it was my choice.  It was strange because right before I got pregnant I was going into a flare and immediately after finding out I was pregnant I quit the drugs and luckily the disease went into remission.  Before I found out I was pregnant though I had been taking Remicade and entocort. I did in the last month of my pregnancy begin to get sick again but this time they only put me on steroids and monitored my dose closely which from what they told me it is fine to take steroids that close to the end because actually it will help the babys lungs develop.  All in all I had a very smooth pregnancy and beautiful children with no problems to speak of. I hope that helps and makes you feel a little take the drugs or not is a personal choice and for I read every bit of information on the meds and made the choice I thought was correct and luckily it all worked out fine.  Good Luck! 

FPO kimhg
Joined Mar 21, 2008

Wed, March 19, 2008 4:49 PM

 Reply posted for dlnhawaii.

I have Colitis and I know that your first instinct is to be fearfull of the things going into your body, such as medication, the right foods, ect. But remeber if you don't take the medications, the good things you are putting in aren't going to get to the baby, who needs it the most. I was on a 5ASA with my first child, my doctor found a research on the drugs and pregnancy, and eased my mind right away. I am currently pregnant with my 2nd and my fear is malnutrition because of the sever flare I currently have, my doctor is putting me on Remicade.


FPO jnncohs
Joined Mar 19, 2008

Wed, March 19, 2008 11:53 AM

 Reply posted for dlnhawaii.

 I too am trying to have a baby and have lots of questions about the crohn's. Check out my post called Crohn's & Pregnancy. I got some great replies. I take remicade treatments and imuran and have discussed everything with my doctor. He thinks I'll be fine on the remicade, he's been to a lot of conferences at John Hopkins and have gotten good reports for that during pregnancy. I don't know about your meds. I wish you the best of luck!

FPO becs8181
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Tue, March 18, 2008 3:39 PM

 Reply posted for ErinD.

 I am 25 years old and have a yearning to have another baby.  I have been on Remicade for 1 year now and like you was the only thing that put me into remission.  Every time I see my Dr. he is very adiment about me NOT getting pregnant because pregnancy can make you flare up which it did with my son.  Also, since you are unable to get off of Remicade and get back on due to a build up against Remicade then you would have to continue with the infusion which my Dr. says would be harmful to the baby having birth defects and if you stopped the treatment then you would more than likey become ill and would need to find an alternative medication other than Remicade.  The Dr. said with the Remicade being SO potent studies have not been done on pregnant mothers while on Remicade b/c it's too risky so the ones that they did do studies on were taking Remicade unaware they were pregnant and the percentage of birth defects for those children was high.  So with all that being said I feel for you b/c my husband and I want another child but decided the risks were too high.  I don't want to be sick again b/c I get so severe and I am not willing to put my child into danger.  Good luck and I hope they are able to come up with an alternative drug for expecting mothers.  I hope my input helped.

FPO alishaxo
Joined Mar 13, 2008

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