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Employment and IBD

Tue, March 01, 2011 12:19 AM

My 18 yr old daugher has UC and she started a job within the last 6 months.  She was in remission but has had a recent mild flare and has had to take a few days off.  She just got a doc note today to help cover her for future absences, BUT what do IBD patients do for the long term.  I am very concerned that the employer will eventually let her go for attendance issues.  What rights do IBD patients have??  I want to aquire as much knowledge as back up to make sure she is fairly treated and let her know her rights.  Any advice or direction on who or what I can do to make sure  she is covered/protected. Our society/culture is so preformance drivin it makes it a real challenge for all IBD challenged individuals.  THANK YOU for any and all feed back!!!  GOD BLESS all of you and I pray for everyones healing!!!  Debba :)

FPO debba
Joined Apr 17, 2009

Sat, June 18, 2011 4:28 PM

 Reply posted for debba.

Hi Debba,
Sorry your daughter is having such a rough time.  I am going through the same thing at my work.  I have missed at least one day a week since I was diagnosed about 6 weeks ago (I had a major flare that landed me in the hospital, and I guess it's not done with me yet).  I feel really guilty about missing work, because I work one on one with a little boy with disabilities.  It's not fair to him or his family when I miss work, and I hate that.  But this is an unfortunate part of my life.  The family is understanding, but the guilt remains.  My boss has not said anything about my frequent absences, and hopefully it will stay that way! 
Thank you for your prayers for healing.  I hope your daughter's health continues to improve!

FPO kristinnicole
Joined May 13, 2011

Sun, April 24, 2011 6:51 PM

 Reply posted for antonyde.

Good suggestions. But how do I find the BEST GI doctor in my area?  I have a GI doctor but sometimes think about changing because she seems a little blahzey about some of my issues.

FPO nancyt
Joined Mar 26, 2010

Mon, March 21, 2011 10:30 AM

 Reply posted for debba.


I have been dealing with Crohn's since I was 15.  It was not very easy but I did get through high school and college.  I was out for about a month in high school and just days here and there in college.  When I started working I made sure it was for a big company with good benefits.  At the time you had to be there for six months to get short term disability.  Of course I got sick at 5 months and so many days and was out for month with out pay, that said my job was protected.  I have since been with the same company and always made sure my manager knew my situation.  Again other than days here and there the first time I was out  for a long time was this past year where I was out for 9 months, short term disabilaty for 6 months and long term for 3.

anyhow my point is we can do it but we do need to be a bit more choosy about our employer than the average folks.

She needs to find out about her health benefits, when she start to get short term disability and for how long.

as someones else said we are covered under the american with disabilities act and FMLA can be used for doctors appointments and being out sick, it is without pay but they have to save your job.

all this aside, make sure she is seing the best doctor in your area who specializes in Crohn's and Colitis, not just a general GI.  Besides work, she is going to want to start a family someday and these diseases are here for life.  You need to stay one step ahead with the best docs you can get and always staying on your meds, even when you think your feeling better.

I wish her the best of luck!

FPO antonyde
Joined Jan 11, 2009

Wed, March 16, 2011 7:48 PM

 Reply posted for debba.


I actually just went through something similiar with my job, they demoted me because of frequent trips to the bathroom and time off. I ended up getting a lawyer and my company had to give me all my back pay as well as my previous rate. they cannot do this. I have crohns disease. I ended up taking FMLA intermit, so i use it when I am off on certain days as we all have our flares, and we are also protected under the ADA. We all need to work, so it is great that there are agencies out there to help. Hope this helps.

FPO jackie1980
Joined Jun 27, 2008

Sun, March 13, 2011 6:44 PM

 Reply posted for debba.

In 2009 amendments were made to the Americans with Disabilities Act that allow IBD sufferers to be covered.  You can investigate that route.

FPO justinh
Joined Mar 13, 2011

Fri, March 04, 2011 11:44 PM

 Reply posted for jswindler0.

It is possible to work full time with  UC, but it will be stressful.

During the year I had UC, I learned where every bathroom was between home and work. I had to end phone calls and leave meetings to hit the bathroom.

The FMLA has a requirement that you must be employed 1 year before you have that protected leave, along with a stipulation you work 1250 hours and have 50 fellow employees within a 75 mile radius.

If that leave is not an option, then maybe a short term disability might kick in -those tend to not have length of service requirements. But you would still be at the mercy of the company to grant a leave of absence, which might be hard to do with not being there very long.

That trade off was part of the negotiation that led to the passage of the FMLA. Companies were worried someone would want the FMLA after a month or two, so Congress added the length of service requirement of one year. Decent compromise, but no, not perfect.

FPO jeffdc
Joined Aug 25, 2008

Fri, March 04, 2011 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for debba.

I'm in the same boat. Some days, it's all I can do to get out of bed. Sometimes it's from a flare, sometimes it's from side effects from the medications, sometimes it's just from the overwhelming stress of it all. My doctor questions me all the time about how much I'm working (I work 40 hours a week, but it's an office job). Unfortunately, FMLA only covers you if you work in an office that employs at least 50 people. There are only 5 in my office. Overall, my boss works with me, but there's a level of guilt I have to put up with. I don't know how people do this. I live in a fairly small town, so the option to telecommute doesn't really exist here. Does anyone know if a majority of people with UC continue working full-time? My doctor acts like I'm crazy for attempting it.

FPO jswindler0
Joined Mar 4, 2011

Wed, March 02, 2011 6:38 PM

 Reply posted for debba.

IBD patients do have rights, we are covered under the Federal Family Medical Leave Act. I would have your daughter talk to her HR department about this, I believe that you have to work at the company for 1 year before you can get this coverage but I may be wrong so I would check.  She should also talk to her Dr. and JR department to see if there are any other things that can be done for her while she is at work to make it easier when she is having a flair. 

FPO mwunrow
Joined Nov 22, 2010

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