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Everyday (after j-pouch surgery)

Tue, March 15, 2011 12:51 PM

i had my last surgery over a year ago.  since then, i have gained over forty pounds, moved out of my mom's house, started and lost a job, and crashed my car.  when i was sick i had depression issues and started taking medication for that, since the new year my insurance policy has lapsed and i haven't had insurance, so i haven't been able to afford medication or been able to go to the doctor.
from time to time i get dehydrated and get nauseous.  when it's bad enough i have to go to the er and get fluid in me.  the j-pouch leaves me incredibly dehydrated and it's nearly impossible to keep up.
my roommate shannon is a random roommate, knew that i was sick and in the hospital, but doesn't really care for what.  her two favorite lines are "i don't feel sorry for you" and "don't give me that *** ."  most of her confrontations happen over text message, and come completely out of left field.  i already feel worthless enough, i lost my job due to poor attendance, and i crashed my car after a snowstorm, making it even harder to get around.  everything is now even harder because i feel like i have someone looking over my shoulder at all times.  i'm not clean enough for shannon, my poop splatters all over the toilet and my eating and sleeping habits are sporadic and irregular (especially now since i've been sick and lost my job).
i was hoping to gain muscle and strength, hopefully lower my weight, but in the past couple weeks that has been really difficult, i lost eight pounds and then gained ten.  i am just learning to deal with my symptoms as someone who is not that sick anymore, now i have to find a job, lose weight, and live up to my roommate's standards.

FPO hey2308
Joined Jul 23, 2008

Tue, March 15, 2011 11:26 PM

 Reply posted for hey2308.

  I have lived with Crohns since August of 99'. The amount of pain that this condition has caused me is considerable. I too have had people close to me, including family express there unhappiness with my condition. People have commented on my "bathroom habits" eating habits, since they think my diet caused this disease. I recently had surgery to remove an obstruction in my lower bowel that was caused by scar tissue from a previous surgery. I now have an Ostomy pouch as a result. Hopefully by the first week of May I will go back for the take down surgery to put me back together.

Please do not allow other people to make you feel ashamed about your disease, since there is no way that they could possibly understand what it is like to live with this. Please have faith in yourself and be strong. Also, know that there are some people out there just like you that care enough to stand behind you and to support you.

FPO paul lorin
Joined Mar 15, 2011

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