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Parenting with Crohns

Sat, March 19, 2011 6:48 PM

Hello!  I am a 27 year old female, diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 2008.  I have had 3 flare-ups total which isn't too bad, but when I do get them, I get them bad!  I have taken Imuran, Pentasa, Lialda, and Prednisone.  There was talk of Remicade but I didn't feel comfortable with that at that time.

I am a stay-at-home-mom to a VERY active 14 month old little girl.  When I am in a flare (or starting) and feel drained, sick, and tired, my daughter and I both seem to have a hard time coping with the lifestyle changes.  I usually play with her, read to her, do activities with her, cook/eat with her.  We are very active, so when I get sick, she has a very hard time adjusting to the "new" mommy that just bounces between the couch and the bathroom all day.  And I have a hard time adjusting to the "new" relationship that I have to have with her when I am sick.  How do you all cope with raising children and having IBD?  I'm sure when she gets older it will be easier because she can understand, but right now it's such a challenge because she doesn't understand why Mommy isn't crawling around on the floor playing with her.  Do you all have any suggestions or advice? 

FPO meganlarrabee
Joined Mar 19, 2011

Thu, March 31, 2011 7:15 AM

 Reply posted for meganlarrabee.

I agree with the other posts, diet is an important role and you can regain more control through it.   As a mom, I understand how horrible you feel when you can't be doing all the "fun" things with her during a flare. It may be a good idea to join some type of local play group.   It will give you an opportunity to meet other little ones and their moms.  This way in a pinch you'd be able to call in a favor to get a couple hours relief for yourself / play time for your daughter. 

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Sun, March 27, 2011 4:04 AM

 Reply posted for meganlarrabee.

I have used scd for over 4 years and it has made a huge difference. My energy came back ( I could always do with a bit extra though), foggy brain cleared and in general my health is far better than it was.
It's not nearly as difficult as it appears on first sight. When you start to think of it as meat,fish, mature cheese etc with extra vegetables, rather than a peculiar mixture of strange recipes trying to imitate other foods it gets much easier. Including good fats such as butter, coconut oil, cold-pressed olive oil and animal fats, and reducing omega 6 is also important. At first I didn't include enough fats and I lost quite a lot of weight.

Do give it a try. It's really worth it.

FPO lca
Joined Oct 12, 2008

Sat, March 26, 2011 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

Thank you!  I have ordered BTVC and hope that I can have some success with that diet.  My parents have had my daughter for the past week so I could rest, and I get her back tomorrow!  I am so excited, I missed her so much.  :-)  I will do whatever it takes to never be separated from her again.

FPO meganlarrabee
Joined Mar 19, 2011

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