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Wed, May 18, 2011 8:12 PM

I am newly diagnosed with CD (March 2011) and was living a pretty healthy and active lifestyle right up to the day my symptoms started (I was then diagnosed within weeks of these symptoms). I had joined a gym about 2 months prior and was lifting and working out a few times a week, really toning up.  I have always been fit and pretty active, but I was truly enjoying having a steady workout schedule and eating healthy. Then, once my flare up occurred and I started through the diagnosis and testing process, I didnt feel well enough to even think about being active, and my days were filled with dr. appointments, bathroom visits, and resting. I have continued having an appetite through the whole thing, but have been losing weight due to malabsorption. I am on the verge of being underweight and I have lost most if not all of my muscle tone.
I am on Entocort and have been feeling pretty good, so I have slowly been getting back to the gym, wanting to feel the high I felt before after a good workout, and wanting to get back some of my hard earned muscle. But I am finding that I can barely do anything. Crunches are out of the question since they cause a stabbing pain at the site of my inflammation (terminal ileum), and I am finding that I can barely lift weights without wanting to lie down. Cardio, which I dont much like to begin with wears me out after only 10 minutes or so. I am worried that I am going to wither away to nothing, and I miss breaking a good sweat. I know that docs say that moderate exercise benefits Crohns patients, but I dont think I can stand not being able to actually work out. Has anyone found a good workout plan to build muscle but that isn't tough on the belly?

FPO psalm91
Joined Mar 23, 2011

Thu, June 02, 2011 2:57 PM

 Reply posted for Psalm91.

During the first months of diagnosis where it's normally the roughest it's hard to want to do anything but sleep. It took me 3 years to be able to actually get going back to normal physical exercise but now I find that can lead a very physical lifestyle with not alot of recourse.

FPO stleger88
Joined Jun 2, 2011

Thu, May 26, 2011 5:49 PM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

I have UC and am 62 yrs young. I also work out in a gym daily but mine is part of a hospitals fitness area. I'm comfortable there because the people that use the gym are usally affliliated with the hospital and are well trained. i had to give the heavy duty stuff because of back issues and just being fatigued but i take 3 yoga classes a week and 2 stretch and strenghthen classes. I find yoga and accupucture very helpful in being balanced. To look at me besides being on the thin side you'd never know that i have a debilitating disease. Don't give up exercise is important to relieve your stress. My best of wishes for you!

FPO marygardenrose
Joined Jun 29, 2009

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