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Wed, May 30, 2012 11:30 PM

I was diagnosed with UC in August of 2010. Since then I lost a great job to the disease, and I have not been able to hold down a postion for more then 6 months. You know, symtoms come and go, but bosses and people in general don't get it. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, but it's almost like people don't look at this as a real disease. I applied for a handicap parking placard, and was turned down due to the fact I did not fit they're idea of handicapped. The same with unemployment, I was denied for quitting a job due to the illness. They said I needed to take a leave of absence in order to have qulified. I explained that my symptoms come and go, and that a leave of absence would be futile. Still they denied me, due to the lack of awareness on they're part.

FPO timothy ian
Joined May 30, 2012

Sat, July 28, 2012 6:56 AM

 Reply posted for alroel.

Meant knowing a flare up can come can cause anxiety alone.

FPO alroel
Joined Jul 23, 2012

Sat, July 28, 2012 6:55 AM

 Reply posted for lildidge.

One thing you must remember is stress is a trigger. You cannot control how you are on prednisone, but you cannot stress about it either.
Easier said than done I know. I have anxiety disorder and severe deppression on top of Chron's an UC and would not be surprised to see alot of ppl with the same.
I mean  knowing a flare up can cause anxiety alone.

FPO alroel
Joined Jul 23, 2012

Thu, July 26, 2012 7:38 PM

 Reply posted for Timothy Ian.

i am in the process of applying for dissability.  I have been out of work for about a year and a half due to my UC.  i sent in all the paperwork and it is listed as a disease that qualifies for disability.  I got a reply saying they denied me, but i found out that they deny EVERYONE the first time (doesnt matter what you have) so i'm going thru a lawyer for an appeal and they think that i have a very good chance of getting it...the lawyers only get paid if i win the case, so it's a win win so to speak.   anyway, try applying for disability.....if you end up going back to work later on that is fine, they will adjust or stop paying you for disability if and when you are able to go back to work.  but I would suggest trying that.  all the paperwork and stuff takes forever....took about 6months to hear back and will prob take another 6 till my appeal of the denial, but if i get approved in the end it will be worth the time and pain in the butt paperwork (no pun intended)   hope that helps.

FPO gillianj
Joined May 8, 2012

Wed, July 11, 2012 3:13 PM

 Reply posted for lildidge.

I find that exercise helps a lot, especially Zumba when I feel good, Yoga when I don't.  Yes, a 40 year-old fat boy doing Yoga imagine the picture at your own peril.  I find that Yoga helps work my abdomen and helps work the gas out creating a certain amount of relief.  Zumba is my favorite, I found I like being active like that but there are days when I am uncomfortable with that activity or even uncomfortable being around people. 

FPO karl40
Joined May 16, 2012

Mon, July 09, 2012 11:52 AM

 Reply posted for Timothy Ian.

Hey if anyone is interested, I started a blog.
It's at
Check it out

FPO timothy ian
Joined May 30, 2012

Sun, June 10, 2012 7:13 PM

i have had issues finding work in fl. soon as crohn's disease pops out of my mouth i can see the interviewer mentally scratching me off of their list of potential employee's and that was even before my first flare up (few months ago).

i was in a 10 year remission... yes 10 years remission no meds no nothing. on the 10 year anniversary to my only surgery i became symptomatic again. can we say textbook ??.

during my remission i husseled hard to find work but could never find work. instead i focused my education i have 2 degree's and working on a bachelor's in criminal justice (i wanted to be a cop i can't even pass the physical now *** i double over in pain just bending over to tie my shoes.) 

anyone with a disability like crohn's disease thats not readily seen and can come and go at will, will be hard to find work for, because we are a liability most companies just won't take.

FPO hotshot1121
Joined Mar 15, 2012

Tue, June 05, 2012 10:06 PM

 Reply posted for lildidge.

Thanks, How are you doing?
Look, the whole thing comes down to not being mad about having this, or trying to figure out why you have it or how you got it. It comes down to okay I have this now lets get better. Diet, Meditation, and take as much stress out of your life as possible. I am still a major ass at times due to the meds, but then I realize thats not me thats the meds. I keep telling myself, positive affirmations, that I am getting better and I will be drug free/symptom free someday soon.

FPO timothy ian
Joined May 30, 2012

Tue, June 05, 2012 6:44 AM

 Reply posted for Timothy Ian.

So glad you found work!! Good luck to you!!!

FPO lildidge
Joined Mar 14, 2012

Thu, May 31, 2012 5:25 PM

 Reply posted for lildidge.

Hey I get it. I was on a heavier dose of that wonder drug Prednisone and still am and my doctor just told me that I have a dependence now. Alright, I said great. Now what? He said we will wean you off differently this time. How is that going to be different then the other two times I tried? Any way I found an internet business that dosen't seem like a scam so far so I am going to work that.

FPO timothy ian
Joined May 30, 2012

Thu, May 31, 2012 4:18 PM

 Reply posted for lildidge.

This disease also makes me stressed out and very angry.  Another reason for the 'she-devil' to appear.

If anyone has any good ideas of handling stress, could you post what helps you?

FPO lildidge
Joined Mar 14, 2012

Thu, May 31, 2012 4:11 PM

I also have employment issues.  I have been at my job for 11 years, not one bad mark against me.  I was diagnoised with UC/Pancolits in Feb 2012. I've been in the hospital twice, and the ER 4 times.   I have been on Asacol, then taken off due to the side effects, then to Lialida and my favorite Prednisone (NOT).  I was only informed that the prednisone had side effects, was not told I was going to become the she-devil.  Long story short, I said some crappy things (no pun intended) about my job, boss, really anyone that irratated me while on the highest dose of prednisone (40mg).  I got called on it and now getting put on a performance plan for my behavior.  My boss didn't even know what disease I had until this week (even tho I told him numerous times and emails and URL links). I point blank asked him and he couldn't say.

I am accountable for my actions, and probably returned to work too soon.  So, lesson here is if you have the mood swings, she/he devil tendcies while on prednisone, ask for some kind of leave of absence, or learn to keep your comments to your self :)  And don't talk to your bosses best friends about him.

I have now been in off/on FLARES for 4 weeks now and have never reached remission.  I have gotten better, but then always Flare up again.  I've tried weaning off the Pred twice now, and when I get to 10mg or under, the flares start.  Just this week, the doc took me from 10mg to 20mg.  uggggg

I will pray that you find a job that understands our disease.  I have read and heard too many of these stories, and UC is one expensive disease!

FPO lildidge
Joined Mar 14, 2012

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