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Frustrated by Ongoing UC Symptoms

Sun, July 06, 2014 11:39 PM

I have been living with UC for over 15 years now but the last couple of years have been some of the hardest.  Up until more recently my UC symptoms were milder with occasional flares that were more easily brought under control with medications.  Now I have been experiencing daily UC symptoms including severe abdominal pain and frequent diarrhea for almost 2 years.  This is really taking a toll on me emotionally.  Sometimes I feel like I am trapped because there seems to be nothing I can do to escape the pain.  I am grateful that the severe pain only occurs during bowel movements and it is not constant but it is still very hard to face this level of pain on a daily basis.  I also sometimes feel trapped or held back because of the frequent diarrhea & pain because when I try to get out and have fun doing things that I enjoy my activities are usually interrupted by my UC symptoms.  I often don't feel well enough to go to work or have fun on my days off but when I stay home to rest I often feel really down because I would rather be working or having fun.  I often feel the longing to just have a "normal" life.  I have tried so many things with the hopes of seeing improvement but nothing seems to be working.  Sometimes it is overwhelmingly frustrating going through this.  Does anyone have any words of encouragement for me?

FPO sj885
Joined Apr 7, 2021

Wed, August 06, 2014 7:42 PM

 Reply posted for ohsaycanuc.

Hi, thank you for your response & encouragement.  I recently met with a new GI doctor that my current GI doctor referred me to as well as a colorectal surgeon and I am feeling like I have a better sense of direction now.  I recently started Entyvio, a new biologic, and the new GI doctor suggested that I wait until I have been on it for 12 weeks to see if it will work for me or not.  If not I will be considering surgery or clinical trials (if there are any available that I qualify for) because I will have tried everything else that there is to try at that point.  Facing these challenges is not easy but it does help a bit to feel like I am making some sort of progress and it also helps to know what the game plan is whether things get better or not.  I hope that things are getting better for you.  I know that those types of work situations can be very stressful.  I know that everyone's situation is different but I decided to leave my job a few years ago when I was going through a severe flare up because it was just too stressful worrying about trying to get back to work and feeling all the pressure from my boss when I was so sick.  Now I have a much less stressful job and my new managers seem much more understanding.  It is hard to find that sometimes but it does exist.  I wish you all the best!

FPO sj885
Joined Apr 7, 2021

Sun, August 03, 2014 9:28 PM

 Reply posted for sj885.


New to this forum.  I hear you.  I was in tears yesterday.  I just went into remission after 9 months, had a colonoscopy and everything was looking good.  Three days later I started having issues due to the colonoscopy procedure.  I had just advised my boss I would be returning to work very soon.  That was over three weeks ago.  The doctors are saying that this is related to the ulcerated colitis.  I don't think so......  Now I have to see another specialist, have spent money on medications that were not needed and I am frightened that my boss will see this in a negative way.  I feel down and worn out.  That's why I joined this site.  To get support and give support.  Fight and get yourself to another doctor.  Fresh eyes and another brain may help.  I know that's what I am hoping for by going to another doctor.  I'm not giving up and you shouldn't either.

FPO ohsaycanuc
Joined Aug 3, 2014

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