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cdiff, looking for positive feedback

Tue, December 04, 2018 6:09 AM

i was diagnosed with UC in 2007 my symptoms were always pretty mild and manageable with mesalamine suppositories, about 2 years ago I had a bad flare up that was painful and I was than put on prednisone. My disease has only gotten worse since then, I flare pretty bad every couple of months, with bloody diarrhea, pain, bloated feelings. I am on and off prednisone and I currently take apriso. I feel like I am just getting so frustrated lately, trying to stay positive but i am just now realizing this is effecting me more than ever before. Last week I was diagnosed with cdiff so I’m having the symptoms of a flare , so much blood it’s frustrating. Just wondering about others who have had this, how long until managed? And how will I know if I’m having a flare or if it’s the cdiff. I’m trying to finish grad school, work and continue to exercise and be healthy but I’m just feeling a little defeated over here and extremely frustrated. I hate to complain and feel sick all the time I feel like people just don’t understand and I feel myself getting annoyed easily at friends and family..... just looking for support I guess
also suggestions on probiotics 

FPO ewood
Joined Dec 4, 2018

Wed, March 13, 2019 6:06 PM

Reply posted for ewood.

Hey  - 

I'm not sure how much positive feedback I have for you right now because I am in the same boat. I started flaring up a few weeks ago and it got worse and worse until I finally went to the doctor and was put on prednisone. 2 weeks, more blood tests, and a stool sample later I was diagnosed with cdiff. It was last Saturday, the night before my birthday, and I had my doctor calling me off the hook. Now I'm on prednisone, antibiotics, lialda, and curcumin and I'm still miserable. My doctor told me I'll have to go inpatient in 24 hours if I don't see any signs of getting better. I'm totally miserable and exhausted and feel awful. 

The worst part is I have so much I need to be healthy for - going to Europe next month, my bachelorette party in May, and getting married in June. Not to mention hiking season! I am so scared that I won't be able to be fully present for any of this or even finish planning my Euro-trip or my wedding. I definitely hit a low tonight and my fiance feels as helpless as I do which is how I ended up here. I've lost over 20 lbs since December, and while I wanted to lose some for my wedding, this isn't exactly what I had in mind. 

I'm really trying to find ways to be positive. I've been reading about holistic approaches and food and really just success stories in general. It's really hard. I just want to curl into a ball and sleep for days, preferably in a nice hotel room where my cat and my fiance can't bother me. That's honestly what it's come to. Keep me posted as to how you're feeling and I'll try to find some positivity out there on the internet for us. 

- Kelsey

FPO kelseyco
Joined Mar 13, 2019

Tue, January 01, 2019 7:58 PM

Reply posted for turiya.

I'm guessing you're feeling lonely, scared, fed up, exhausted, ......heard you say frustrared and annoyed.  Sounds like a very difficult time for you and I believe it. 

I went a year and a half with simultaneous flare ups and c. diff.  very had to tell the difference but sometimes it seemed that the c.diff made eating immediately painful, while the UC pain came later if at all.  Flagyl or vancomycin might work, though by this time, you have likely been treated.  I had to use Dificid, a very expensive drug and took a new protocol for prolonged and tapering dosing.  I've beem c. diff clear for a few months.  I've heard the probiotic s. boulardii can be helpful in combating the c. diff. 

good luck with it all.  Turiya

FPO turiya
Joined Jan 1, 2019

Tue, December 11, 2018 6:40 PM

Reply posted for ewood.

First thing, fix the c dif.  That just takes a couple of weeks of a strong antibiotic like flagil.  Make sure you get labs to show you’re clear after the antibiotics are done.

FPO charbs
Joined Oct 31, 2016

Tue, December 11, 2018 2:52 PM

Reply posted for ewood.

getting another colonoscopy on Friday, went to Dr last week blood work shows another flare on top of the cdiff
bleeding 6-8 x a day for over a  month now......

FPO ewood
Joined Dec 4, 2018

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