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Say Something About Yourself

Sat, January 24, 2009 1:00 AM

I would like to get to know you people better, so I know who to take advice from. Whos most like me, might help me the most. Hopefully we will see the stuff we have in common, maybe even find your long lost twin. Plus this goes over pretty well on others forums.

Name: Christen

Age: 22 1/2

Weight: 119 lbs

Height: 5'7

Location: Missouri, STL

Job: Sprint Customer Care (call center) Just remember before you call any customer care, you catch more flies with honey than you do vinager.

Condition: I have had UC for 8 months, been hospitalized 2 times. (Was in the hospital during birthday and Christmas! Yay me.)

Medication: Been on Prendisone, is awesome stuff gives me heartburn though. Also been on Asacol, works good.
    Currently I take 4 Lialda pills, 2 Caltrate pills, 3 Iron pills, 1 mulitvitamin pill a day.

Diet: I am on a high-protein diet because when I was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago, my protein level was deathly low.

Favorite Drink: Vitamin Water or Special K protein water

How UC has changed my life: Its given me many headaches, loss of pain and stress. I thought I was dying when I first got it, and then I thought I may not live as long as I should. So when am not sick, I live my life to the fullest.

About me: I'm a shopaholic. I'm very blunt, and sarcastic. When am not being mean to people, I make a lot of people laugh. I am relentless and when I want something, I never give up.

Favorite fingernail polish color: Black

Hottest movie star: Johnny Depp

Contact Information:

FPO christenzilla
Joined Jan 18, 2009

Sat, March 14, 2009 8:33 PM

 Reply posted for christenzilla.

name: meghan

age: 17

weight: currently not good(having a flare up)

height: 5'3

location: va, da 804

job: well since i'm still a teen it changes often. right now i work at arbys. luckily it is once of the nicest ones in the country.

condition: i have both cronhs and colitis. i have only been in the hospital once so far. i am very worried my 2nd time will be coming up after i go see my doctor on tues.

medication: asacol and immuran. plus other vitamins and supplements i don't feel like listing right now.

diet: currently a bland diet. aka food that has no taste what so ever!  usually i can eat anything i want with the exception of popcorn/peanuts/oats/whole grain things.

favorite drink: gatorade or soda (but i currently can't have either right now)

how uc has changed my life: personally it has put me though *** . i have now been dealing with it for 3 years and still get so upset about it when i have a flare up. i feel like a downer because most of the other people said things like "it has made them stronger." i guess it is teaching me to be stronger but it also took a nice hit on my confidence. 

about me: i'm a very active person and hate being held back by this. i  play soccer and run track. i love the beach and hope to go to college for marine bio. and i want to move to australia asap since the us is just kinda failing at life right now.

favorite fingernail polish color:  i usually don't paint my nails cause i always find a way to mess it up before it dries. when i do paint them it is usually black or a really dark blue.

hottest movie star: taylor lunther(jacob black)

FPO girlwthgoals
Joined Mar 13, 2009

Fri, March 13, 2009 3:20 PM

 Reply posted for christenzilla.

Hey all, here's my info:

Name: Tamara
Age: 37
weight: 122
height: 5'4"
Location: West Michigan

Job: I stay home with my children right now; used to be a dental assistant and front desk gal.
I would love to say that someday I am going to use the overpriced degree hanging on my office wall and start teaching or working as a school counselor, but with the UC/Fibro combination, I never know how I'm going to feel day to day--or minute to minute for that matter.

Condition:  UC and Fibromyalgia (sometimes it's hard to tell which thing is causing what pain(s)), high blood pressure

Meds: Asacol, EffexorXR, HBP med-Aldactone, Folate, Vitamin D, Deseryl (for sleep), various pain meds on occasion

Diet: BLAND, no real diet "plan", I just avoid things that don't agree with me

Drink: Iced Tea or Water, sometimes pepsi

How UC diagnosis changed my life:  VALIDATION: that's the biggest thing, it happened when I finally got my fibromyalgia diagnosis as well. I no longer felt like an attention seeking hypochondriac ya know? It was a real condition with a name and doctors who could treat it. I spent over two decades not knowing why I felt like crap everyday of my life. I just assumed that everyone in the world hurt everyday and somehow I didn't handle it as well as other people did. It never occurred to me that it wasn't "normal" to double over in pain whenever visiting the bathroom, or to be so tired you couldn't even function.

About Me:  I am teased about being "OCD" because I need order and clean in my space. Now I know that part of my OCD behaviors come from needing to control something in my life-- since I can't control my body or how I feel physically, I started to control my surroundings. I have gotten a lot better at letting things go; and, as a result, I don't wear myself out so badly everyday.

Favorite Nail Polish: a french manicure

Hottest Star:  JOHNNY DEPP

Contact Info:

FPO mara269
Joined Mar 7, 2009

Wed, March 04, 2009 3:53 PM

 Reply posted for christenzilla.

Name: Dawn

Age: 31

Weight: 215

Height: 5'10

Location: Florida

Job: Stay at home Mom

Condition: Ulcerative Colitis. diagnosed at age 19 (1997) also have hypertension. currently take lisinopril. it's under control but UC is not.

Medication: suppose to be on Lialda once daily.

Diet: currently on a bland diet,because my gall bladder might be going haywire

Favorite Drink: Water

How UC has changed my life: It has made me look at life differently. Illness has no age limit.

About me: I'm 31. a CCFA member. Married with 4 children.
Favorite fingernail polish color: Pink or red.

Hottest movie star: Keanu Reaves

Contact Information:

FPO dawn28789
Joined Mar 4, 2009

Fri, February 20, 2009 6:19 AM

 Reply posted for christenzilla.

I'm Evie & I'm 34.

I live in the UK & I'm a mental health professional.

My diagnosis is Microscopic Colitis, believed to be the early stages of Crohns disease (been unwell for 6 months, diagnosed 2 months ago)

I'm currently taking pentasa, budesonide & mebeverine.

Favourite drink is organic peppermint tea with lavender honey.

Nail polish? Probably clear or the palest pink on my fingernails, red on my toes.





FPO marzipan
Joined Feb 16, 2009

Tue, February 10, 2009 6:01 PM

 Reply posted for christenzilla.

Name: Amanda Lynn

Age: 29

Weight: Too MUCH but working on it  Down 32 lbs so far....

Height: 5'7

Location: Sandy, Oregon

Job: Contract Accouting... I write leases on all kinds of equipment.

Condition: I have had UC since '01 but just recently started having issues again 6 months ago.

Medication: Been on Asacol, Prednisone and 6mp also an old school anti-depressant Imipramine that put me into remission for almost 6 years.  I quit taking my meds because I felt fine and now its BACK!  Now on a prednisone taper and 6mp,  my miracle drug has seemed to stop working!

Diet: I don't really do red meat... when flaring stay away from caffine.. but other than that fairly normal.

Favorite Drink: Iced Tea and Water

How UC has changed my life: I get depressed when I'm sick and I tend to not like talking about being sick!  Friends, boyfriend and Fam all understand and are a fantastic support system.  I play HARD when I feel good so I don't miss out on much!

About me: I'm a country girl, I love everything outside.. horses, quads and shooting guns.  I am also girly and always have my nails and hair done..  I am ready to get married and start a family now and grow up a little

Favorite fingernail polish color: Black <--- ME TOO!! I love black on my toes

Hottest movie star: McSteamy on Greys.. .YUM!!

Contact Information:

FPO awise127
Joined Feb 10, 2009

Sat, February 07, 2009 12:51 AM

 Reply posted for Eahlmunde.

Hi Christen, my info:


Age: 32

Weight: 82 lbs

Height: 4'10

Location: LAPLACE, LA

Job: Paralegal for the LA Attorney Disciplinary Board.

Condition: I have Crohn's but I also have epilepsy

Medication: None at the moment but have been on pretty much everything except Remicade & Humira Take dilantin & Keppra for seizures.

Diet: Slim to none - I am in constant pain so I rarely eat

Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper

How Crohn's has changed my life: Actually, even though it's a miserable disease, both this & epilepsy has made me a stronger person. I realize things are tough but there are people in worse shape than me. Through this I've learned how to help others manage their conditions by trying to help them be positive & just be there for whoever needs someone to care

About me: Neat freak, also very blunt & sarcastic I think before I speak but I never beat around the bush. If I have something to say, you'll know it.

Favorite fingernail polish color: None - don't wear it unless I have to

Hottest movie star: Matt Damon

Contact Information:

FPO bridgetb126
Joined Feb 5, 2009

Thu, February 05, 2009 5:15 PM

 Reply posted for christenzilla.

Well, lets see...

Im Jon, the genetic cesspool. Am 40,  married with 6yr old daughter.  Wife has SLE (lupus) so we make a wonderful couple. :)

DX of UC in 1996, PSC in 1998 and Crohns in 2005.
Had total colectomy w/J pouch in 1999.
Finally have spent 6 months off Prednisone, YAY! First time in 10 years+ to be off that beast for an extended period.
Am currently on Humira/Methotrexate/Entocort and was on Remicade/6MP/Prednisone/Asacol.

I have multiple complications such as vasculitis, DVTs, Antiphospholipid antibodies (which means I can clot in both veins and arteries), chronic pain, liver stones, nausea, diziness and tremors. So what that Im on 14 different drugs at the moment.  Guess what?  I get up each morning with a smile on my face because today is always going to be better than yesterday, flair or no flair!  Take that Crohns :P

Favorite drink: purple Pedialyte, believe it or not.

Yes, Ive been depressed at times.  Yes, Ive been overwhelmed at times.  Ive spent too much time in hospitals ... my daughter learned her numbers on the elevators coming to see me, as a matter of fact.

When I was first diagnosed, I made the decision to live my life and have UC/PSC/Crohns ... not to let UC/PSC/Crohns be my life.

Sorry to be so scattered, I"m just writing as it comes to mind.

Best wishes to us all!

FPO eahlmunde
Joined Feb 5, 2009

Thu, February 05, 2009 2:22 PM

 Reply posted for loreli115.

Posted: Sun, January 25, 2009 10:12 PM
 Reply posted for christenzilla.

Hi Christen!  Here are my stats:




Name: Michele

Age: 38

Weight: too much

Height: 5'6

Location: Orlando, FL

Job: unemployed/prev life licensed clams adjuster

Condition: I have ulcerative colitis, diagnosed 4 maybe - 5 years ago.  Hospitalized two times in 2008.

Medication: currently none, trying to obtain patient assistance, med that helped anti spasm meds and Colazal.

Diet: mostly veg, chicken, etc.

Favorite Drink: decaf tea, life water, water with lime

How Chron's  has changed my life: I have colitis, bathroom trips, misunderstanding what was happening, fatigue, joint pain, I am a bit less active and get frustrated a lot.  I was given Colazal, prednisone, and a couple other meds after I was released from the hospital the 2nd time, it helped,but then I lost my job, so I cannot afford my medications or to go to the doctor. 

About me: .I am newly divorced, no children, love the beach, love to cook, enjoy spending time with my family and friends when I can.  I love of the two lil girls of the house (two doggies) ~ Trixxie, my room mates dog and Kelly, my lil girl.  They make me smile.

Favorite fingernail polish color: hmmm, I'm kinda fair and lean towards pretty berry colors

Hottest movie star: that's tough I like a couple of them...

FPO mybellmichele
Joined Jan 12, 2009

Fri, January 30, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for christenzilla.

Name: Jess

Age: 23

Weight: 115

Height: 5'2

Job: Full time grad student.  I am going to PT school, opposite coast of you though.  Strangely I have also worked in a call ceter but for directory assistance.

Condition: CD.  Diagnonsed when I was 11... it's been a journey.

Medications: Currently I'm not on anything (though I've been given permission to self medicate by my doctor if i think a flare is starting - provided I see a doc if it actually persists at all)  In the past I've been on prednisone, asacol and 6mp.

CD changed my life in multiple ways.  The best being, I am pretty good about not sweating the small stuff - I know my limit and what is something that is worth stressing over.  My classmates always seem far more freaked out than me...  All in all, I refuse to let it define or rule my life - it's just part of who I am.

About Me:  I am almost always sarcastic and have my mom's sense of humor - don't really know how to describe it.   I love little kids and absolutely can't wait to have my own.  I have a weakness for shoes and purses but luckily have pretty good self control about purchases which is good considering I have like no money.

FPO jesspt
Joined Jan 14, 2009

Thu, January 29, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for christenzilla.

Hey everyone!
Name: Libby
Age: 20
Weight: 132 lbs
Height: 5'8

Location: upstate New York
Job: well, I'm a student, and I really don't have the time/energy/motivation for any sort of job

Condition: I've had crohn's for 6 years, been in the hospital 3 times - once when I was diagnosed and then twice due to blood clots
Medication: currently on humira and methotrexate,
  I have previously been on remicade, 6mp, asacol, prednisone, flagyl

Diet: I don't do any sort of special diet but I love cheese and pasta and have a huge sweet tooth
Favorite Drink: milk!

How crohn's has changed my life:  As much as I hate having to deal with all the symptoms of the disease, I really think I am a better person for it.  I am more compassionate to others and understand that just because someone's life looke good from the outside, it doesn't mean they don't have their own problems to deal with.  I also appreciate life in general a lot more, and have a better understanding of who I am and what is important to me.

About me:  I love art and am very creative.  I like to read and be outside but I also like to just sit on the couch with a bag of cheetos and watch tv.  And of course, like Christen, I love to shop
Favorite fingernail polish color: clear, I rarely paint my nails but I like when others have red nails
Hottest movie star: I don't know...I really like Jim from the office, and the janitor from scrubs

FPO woahitslibby
Joined Jan 10, 2009

Tue, January 27, 2009 12:25 AM

 Reply posted for christenzilla.

Okay Christenzilla.  Here are the facts.  I used to have sprint but I dropped them because of their customer service (just kidding).  I needed an iphone so I went to AT&T 

Name: "Cip" (real name Ciprian)

Age: 32

Weight: I keep losing.  I was at 265- I'm down to 240 or 235 I haven't checked in 2 weeks.  Maybe I'll make the cover of a fitness magazine soon?  My Crohn's made me ripped and Hot 

Height: 6'0"

Location: New York City, NY

Job: Vice President of a consulting firm.  I head the IT Department and manage most of the company.  We provide services for the insurance industry.  We mostly perform audits, risk assesment, Insurance Investigations, claims handling, Custom Databases and computer related services.

Condition: I have had crohns for 2 months, been hospitalized 1 times. (I spent New Years in the hospital).  I'm currently waiting for blood test for new treatment

Medication: Been on Prendisone as well, I would buy it in lieu of tic tacs if I could.  I was taken off of  Asacol due to a reaction.

Diet: Low Residue (low fiber) diet.  I seem to be able to eat all types of meat and fish though. other than that, rice, pasta and soup are great.  Everything else will make me curl up into a ball.

Favorite Drink: Propel and G2(low calorie gatorade)

How UC has changed my life: It's made life really suck.  I'm tired all the time.  The bathroom trips were not fun.  I'm tired of visiting the doctor and taking tests.  I feel like a guinea pig. 

About me: I am generally an optimistic person and I love life.  I'm married with 2 kids (2 and 5) - They make life very difficult, but I love them to death.  I love cars and I now hate PC's cause I deal with them all the time.  I still like to party with my friends when I get a chance.

Contact Information:

FPO cipcorrea
Joined Jan 6, 2009

Sun, January 25, 2009 11:12 PM

 Reply posted for christenzilla.

Hi Christen!  Here are my stats:




Name: Lori

Age: 27

Weight: too much

Height: 5'7

Location: North Georgia

Job: CPhT and inventory specialist for CVS/Pharmacy

Condition: I was diagnosed with Chron's Disease in December 2008 but have experienced problem for a good 6 to 7 years now.

Medication: Asacol 2x3, Hyomax, Prilosec, Protonix, and random other meds.

Diet: Hight fiber, vegetarian

Favorite Drink: water with crystal light or sprite

How Chron's  has changed my life: Well, I'm in the beginning of my treatment.  I have been on Asacol for 1 and 1/2 months now.  I am still having pains and problems but hopefully they will get much better.  I know that people who do not have UC or Chron's, definately don't understand what kind of pain you are in.

About me: I'm very opitmistic, but get depresses occasionally.  I look to God for guidance and hope and help.  I love to hang out with my BFFs and family.  I am married to a wonderful man of 2 and 1/2 years and I have a verrrrrry spoiled rotten Scottie/Jack Russel mix.

Favorite fingernail polish color: anything! I love doing my nails!

Hottest movie star: Vin Deisel

Contact Information:

FPO loreli115
Joined Jan 18, 2009

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