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support buddy

Thu, September 10, 2009 7:14 PM

hello my name is Dorothy and I was just diagnosed with chrons disease 3 weeks ago. I lost my sister to lung cancer a year ago, and lost my mom 6 monts ago. I moved from CA. to AZ. casue I got married and since there was no one left in ca. I moved to where my husband lives. I've been feeling very depressed and lonely since I've been diagonsed. I've been on predisone, and asacol. I just got off of predisone. Does anyone know if that can make you depressed and moody? I 'm not working and have only lived in AZ for 6mnoths. I don't know anyone here especially since I've been sick. I could really use some moral support , if anyone's out there. I'm scared and don't know what to expect with this disease. I'm getting ready to start on cimzia in a couple of weeks. I know that it decreases your imune system and that scares me knowing I'm prone more for infection. Let me konw how everybody's doing. I can use some feed back. Thanks Scared in AZ.

FPO bluhorsy
Joined Aug 29, 2009

Tue, September 22, 2009 10:28 AM

 Reply posted for jn4025.

Hello, thank you soooo! much, I feel sometimes I'm going crazy. If it weren't for this site I don't know what I'd do. I will try to attend. I've only been here in az. for about 6 months now and still trying to learn my way around. I get nervous leaving the house worring if I'm going to have an attack or not, and knowing where a bathroom is. I just hate that. My name is Dorothy and hope to see you there. Once again thank you.

FPO bluhorsy
Joined Aug 29, 2009

Sat, September 19, 2009 7:33 PM

 Reply posted for bluhorsy.

Hi. I also live in Arizona and have ulcerative colitis. I attend a support group in Mesa and they meet once a month at Banner Desert Medical Center, Room 3D, at 7:00 pm. It's usually the second Thursday of the month. Lisa is the contact person, and her email is

I have found it extremely helpful. Even though I have been in Arizona for quite some time, I was having difficulty dealing with the emotional aspect of colitis.  I have also been on and off prednisone numerous times, and can totally relate to the emotional difficulties with it, as well as the other side effects. Hope you start to feel better soon. 

FPO jn4025
Joined Nov 22, 2008

Thu, September 17, 2009 10:22 PM

 Reply posted for FriendlyCrohnie.

Thank You so much for the wonderful encouragement. I really appreciate it. My Dr. told me about this site, and I'm really glad I got on it. I'm looking for a support group in Mesa, AZ. Do you know of any or how I'd look for one. I'm feeling much better today, but, still kind of scared. Sometimes I'm afraid to leave the house worrying about a bathroom nearby.Do you feel that way too. How do you try and over come that. I get so nervous when I leave the house, I get really sick. Thanks so much for your encouragement and insperation.

FPO bluhorsy
Joined Aug 29, 2009

Mon, September 14, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for bluhorsy.

Dorothy: Email me at, I also live in Arizona and maybe we live close enough that I can get you to a support group. I belong to one and they are great. I've lived with Crohns since 1964 and the feelings that you have are common. Marilyn

FPO marilynaz
Joined Jun 4, 2008

Sat, September 12, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for bluhorsy.

Dorothy -
And, to answer your question, yes, it's very common to get moody and depressed when you come off the pred. Your body will get used to being off it and you will get back onto a more even keel, but for a little while, you need to make allowances for yourself.
You have been though a whole lot, and both the good things and the bad are considered "stress" - so please, be kind to yourself.
I have UC, not Crohn's, but I was diagnosed 23 years ago, not long into my marriage, and though there have been some bumps I was able to get pregnant and have two boys, three years apart.... I've been able to work, and travel, and in general my life has come back. Once you get through the shock of This Disease Thing it becomes possible to realize you are still the person you were!
Everyone else who posted gave you great ideas about support, etc - so hang in there! You are not alone!

FPO musicmom
Joined Jul 16, 2009

Fri, September 11, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for bluhorsy.

Hi Dorothy -

I know how you feel.  I was just diagnosed with Crohn's this February.  I was sooo sick and did not know what was going on.  I had never heard of Crohns before.  I have always been very healthy. 

So when I had my colonoscopy, and got diagnosed, the inside of my colon looked like a bomb went off.  It was such an emotional and scary time for me.  It is very very scary and it does feel like you are alone.  But I have a great support system.  I could not have gotten through it all without the support of my husband and my family. 

Look for a support group, they are soooooo great.  It has been so wonderful for me and people are so supportive and caring, it really will help you, and also keep your husband involved and I really hope that he is giving you the support that you need.  I am so very sorry for your losses.  Trust me when I say, things will get better, and you will have your good and bad days but you also have to have a positive outlook.  Educate yourself as well.

I have never heard of Cimzia, but I do Remicade which does suppress your immune system as well, but the benefits outweigh the risks, and I have not had any problems, I feel soo good.  I have been back to work, I am pain free right now.  I am on 15mg of Prednisone, 6mp and doing the Remicade.  Don't be scared, and know that the Drs will do what they need to do to take care of you.  ASK aggressive with your treatment.  Everyone is is very individualized

Take one day at a time, don't let it consume you and don't let Crohn's dictate your life, you are in control and believe that things will get better.  You can live with this.  Please take care and keep writing and let us know how you are doing.  We are here to support you and if you have more questions I am sure you will get more responses.


FPO friendlycrohnie
Joined Sep 10, 2009

Fri, September 11, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for bluhorsy.

Hi Dorothy,

I am a Mom of a 9 year old little girl who has Crohns Disease. 

I'll never forget the day.   It was a typical lazy summer day and my children and I were in the yard swimming the day away in our pool...then the dreaded phone call.    Up to this pont in my life, I never even heard of the disease.  Talk about shock! 

I began reading everything I could get my  hands on educating myself.   After all, if this is a chronic condition and isn't going to go away, I might as well learn about it.   And that is just what I did.  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy.   It's much easier to pull the blankets over your head and freezer packed with Ben & Jerry's.  

I can tell you there are going to be good days and bad days.   Everyone is different so far as how their body reacts to new meds and/or med changes. 

Being newly diagnosed, dealing with the emotions of losing loved ones, moving to a new area, getting married......yikes, that is ALOT.   You need to give yourself a bit of a break.  Things will start to fall into place. 

I encourage you to look into a local support group.   I know, I wasn't too keen on the idea either, but I have to tell you some good can come from it.   We joined one through our drs office.  They meet once a month and it can give you an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation.  We've exchanged recipes, advice, quick tricks, ideas, etc.   

Take each day as it comes and make the best of what you have.   When given lemons......make lemonade.

Wishing you the best,

Lizzies mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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