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my husband made me sick

Sat, February 26, 2011 11:42 PM

I should have gotten out of my marriage a long time ago because he was cheating on me.....but I hung in there thinking she would go away, instead, 9 yrs later, I am still  with him.....I know, I am a fool, you don't have to tell me that.

It started with my illness when I had a bowl movenent, and it made me so sick, and it happened again and again, and no one could figure out if it was my bowls or my bladder, since the pain was in both...

A dr after doing a collenosopy, said it was crohns, and I had the bad Div....

But I tried another dr who said the pain was not crohns, but bladder/pelvic/floor disease, meaning when the sht hit the bladder and the pelvic on the was down, there was the pain I was experencing....

So,  with my stomach, and take expensive pentasa....

and now I am seeing a phy. therapist to stretch the bladder/and pelvic area.  I find milk helps sooth the area.

Anyway, getting back to my husband, the cheating is driving me to a mental hospital, and I tried so much to make it better,but I don't believe anything he says anymore. 

I am pretty sick most of  the day....I take 4-6 500 pentasa, and I tried sulfazine, but it doesn't work that well.....I also take too many bentyl....the dr said it is dangerous to take so many.....I also take a gas pill, because it helps with the bloat.

my life is a sick mess.   

I don't get mail from this community at, so pls send  it there, despite this website saying they already have that address....

I learned to accept my husband, and just live my life, but I know I have to leave him soon.  Yes, he gave me this horrible disease whatever it is, I am sick to my stomach most of the time, and spend days watching tv, and walking my dog, and house cleaning...and also watching "HOUSE" on tv. It cheers me up.

It is hard to walk away from my home, and sad also, but I know something has to be done....












FPO hepburn
Joined Feb 26, 2011

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