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Spiritual healing part 3

Fri, April 01, 2011 3:58 AM

For all those people who are suffering and need support just remember than you are not alone there are plenty of people willing to help us here in this world and you have spirit guides and angels and higher spiritual beings in the spirit world who are waiting and are more than happy to help you. They just need your permission first and you can do that by meditating and asking for help. They cannot do anything without your permission because as spirit we have the freewill to do what we want. I will say this again we are more powerful than any of us can ever imagine. We get so caught up by the illusions of the material world that we forget who we truly are.

I know there is no cure for IBD and there is no easy way to fix it. Sometimes we have no control over the symptoms and no matter what i tried nothing relieved my pain but i choose not to live in misery because of it. Please don't be embarrassed to tell others about your condition you are who you are and be proud of it the more people know the better.

I know I've talked too much. I am speaking from my spiritual experiences and I am trying to reach out to as many people as i can. There is hope for all of us and it starts with each one of us thinking and creating a better reality then we are living in now.

FPO orion
Joined Apr 1, 2011

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