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Forced fistulas, TPN, Crohns

Mon, October 11, 2021 10:30 PM

My brother has been in the hospital for two months. His crohns was so out of control his small intestine had perforated (he had already had an ileostomy years prior) and developed pertinitus.

Now, after 3 more surgeries, the docs say he will have to be on TPN permanently and he has 3 drains. They cannot remove more of his small bowel because it's in too bad of shape. They are hoping that two fistulas will form to drain, they are calling them forced fistulas. Anyway, his quality of life is pretty much out the door. Does anyone know of anyone who has been through this?

They are trying to release him from the hospital to assisted living before returning home. We have no idea what's in store but it does not look good. I've survived colitis with an ileostomy and am fine, but never imagined what crohns is capable of. My brother would like to speak with someone who has gone through this or a loved one who had someone go through this with thier family member so we could get an idea of what's in store, honestly. The docs aren't forthcoming. Thanks for any input. 

FPO kellyskud
Joined Oct 11, 2021

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