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Tue, September 10, 2013 8:07 PM

I have had PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) for more than 10 years and was recently diagnosed with left-sided ulcerative colitis. My doctor suspects that I also have endometriosis. I have been taking Metformin XR and Loestrin 24 Fe to treat the PCOS and just started Colazal a few days ago for the UC. I also take Minocycline to help with my acne but I have worried for a long time that the antibiotics have been hard on my stomach (even when I take them with food). I have only been taking the Colazal for a few days so it is hard to tell if it is working/helping with the bleeding, mucus, urgency, etc.

Has anyone had a similar experience? What treatment plans work well for someone with PCOS or endometriosis and UC? Do probiotics help? Does anyone have stress management tips? Any suggestions are appreciated. :)

FPO scosgrove
Joined Sep 9, 2013

Thu, October 10, 2013 10:38 AM

 Reply posted for scosgrove.

I also have PCOS and UC. II am also anemic. I will try to keep this brief

i see you are on metformin for the PCOS, I found an endocrinologist years ago that was wonderful, he started me on the right path. One thing he told me was I could not tolerate metformin due to the UC, metformin can irritate the UC. Therefore in order to regulate my sugar levels he put me on actos, this drug is now frowned upon , it
worked for me, however I switched to Janevia after many years on actos only because I was experiencing swollen ankles and we couldn't figure out why. 

 He also put me on spironolactone because my hair was falling out. This evidentially  altered the testosterone levels. It works, been on it for years. If I go off, my hair starts to fall out again.  I have a very full, thick head of wavy hair, no one would ever think this was ever an issue for me.

Also i am on welbutrin due to mood swings....depression, don't actually usually admit that to others

I have gone thru many different  types of meds for the UC. Over the past few years my UC has been getting worse, I suppose ever since I had my first child 16 years ago things slowly got worse, when I had my third child  almost 8 years ago my flare-ups have increased. I was averaging a long hospital stay about once every year until recently, flare ups have been more often. As you may or may not know the recovery time is as bad as the time spent in the hospital. I have had blood transfusions, hospital stays  longer then 2 weeks. 
Currently I am on 6-MP, Lialda and 3rd infusion of Remicaide. The decision to go on Remicaide was not an easy one, I am on other meds as well for the anemia, feel free to inquire if this is an issue for you as well. I hope I was able to assist you in some way. Hang in there. A solid support team is key to getting thru this!!!

FPO jeanineb
Joined Oct 10, 2013

Tue, September 17, 2013 7:52 PM

 Reply posted for gailbrazell67.

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I am 32 years old and I also have a long family history of endometriosis and cysts. My mom had a hysterectomy when she was 37 and the doctor took out part of her cervix, which she thought was strange. She told me she read that if the entire cervix is removed you risk losing sensation in the area. Her doctor did not tell her that, though.

I am afraid of all of the scary things that are happening to my body right now. The left side of my pelvis (ovary?) hurts pretty often and last month when I was ovulating I felt dull pain in my lower abdomen (very low) and even after the pain was gone I felt a lot of pressure that made me feel like I had to pee all the time. I have been taking different kinds of hormones since I was 13 and some of them made me feel crazy so one day a few years ago I just stopped taking them. Then my thighs went numb and I was afraid to drive at certain times of the month. My doctor said that is a sign of endometriosis but I never had a laparoscopy to confirm. Now I am on one of the newer lower estrogen birth control pills--which is better than other ones I've tried--combined with Metformin which stabilizes your insulin levels and helps with PCOS symptoms. I just wonder if the gynecological problems contribute to the GI problems, and if so, is there anything I can do about it?

In your experience, what has helped you most--Diet/Exercise/Medication/Surgery? I would give anything to reduce the pain and blood that I lose with each BM. I honestly don't even know if the pains I am experiencing are more related to the cysts and possible endometriosis or the UC. I would love to learn more about what has helped you.

Thank you again for your suggestions. I appreciate them.

FPO scosgrove
Joined Sep 9, 2013

Sun, September 15, 2013 3:17 PM

 Reply posted for scosgrove.

I have Crohn's Disease, and I am 46 years old now, but 5 years ago I had endometriosis, and cysts everywhere on my ovaries, I don't know what the treatment is for UC, and I don't know how old you are, but I was told I was going to have a complete hysterectomy, because endometriosis ran on my dad's side of the family all 9 of his sister's  suffered from it. I was 41 years hold. My doctor knew my grandmother on my mother's side had a history of cervical cancer, so he said ok a complete hysterectomy.  After my surgery I found out the doctor took out everything but my cervix, which made me angry cause he just left a cancer bed to form.  I will be honest I have never heard of these medications you are on and I would most definitely be asking all doctors involved as much information as I could or maybe get a second opinion. That is your right.  A lot of people do not feel comfortable asking their doctors questions, but just remember you are the customer and you are paying them or (your insurance is) to have the best known information given to you. I wish you the best of luck going forward.

FPO gailbrazell67
Joined Sep 15, 2013

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