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Sat, April 19, 2014 12:17 AM

Hello I'm a 22 year old that was just recently diagnosed with Crohns.... I'm not sure what's normal or what I should be concerned with. Currently my issues are severe bloating and pain. Any one have any tricks to help? I hate always having to turn to medications for help.

also what do I have to "look" forward to?

Also how many people suffer with feeling they are all alone and no one understands them?
how long does that last?

FPO karen w
Joined Apr 19, 2014

Mon, July 14, 2014 11:33 AM

Hello Karen,

I understand where you are coming from I was diagnosed at your age in 2011. I had been suffering with the condition all my life and finally was diagnosed when it became very serious and required immediate medical attention. I have been very fortunate in my experience that I was able to manage my symptoms for years with a simple diet and exercise. I recently went through a really rough flare-up an like others have said it can be depressing. I was practically bed ridden for 2 months. The flare up would drain all my energy leaving me completely exhausted after work. I also missed alot of work during this time due to severe cramping, nausea etc. 
The best advice i can give you is to surround yourself with a great support system. I have the best support system and it has made it possible for me to get through those hard time. I do not take any medication as i am like you and try to avoid it. keep a food journal to track what causes any slight irritations for you and also try to stay active. If you are fortunate enough to live in a cannabis friendly state then i would look into that as a more natural option as that can help with nausea and loss of appetite. 

FPO graceiw
Joined Jul 14, 2014

Tue, June 24, 2014 12:35 AM

 Reply posted for karen w.

Karen,  I was diagnosed with crohns I when I was 28.  I had experienced symptoms for about 4 years before I was diagnosed.  I am now 54 yrs old.  As far as diet goes, the foods I had to avoid were nuts, oranges , popcorn and meats such as steak or roast etc.  I had trouble digesting the fiber and was prone to having a partial blockage of the small intestine.  What I have learned throughout the years that I wish I had known from the beginning.  Find a gastroenterologist that listens to you and takes time to answer questions.  Educate yourself about chrohns disease so you know what to ask your dr.  I also didn't realize how the diagnosis would impact me emotionally.  I went through a grieving process.  The disease and symptoms are so unpredictable and unique to each individual.  Each time I had a  partial blockage or ended up in the hospital I would go through the grief process all over again.  It is not unusual to  experience depression upon diagnosis or when you have a really bad time with symptoms.  The good news is that there are many treatment options now.  You can't predict how, if or when your crohns will  progress.  I had 4 bowel resections within a 6 year period.  Then I began the remicade infusions 12 years ago and have had complete remission.  I have no symptoms at all.  I will have to continue the remicade for the rest of my life, but I feel very blessed that I am symptom free.  I  did attend a support group when I was newly diagnosed and it was helpful to  learn from others who are also dealing with ibd.   Best of luck to you.  It will be easier to deal with this disease  as time goes on.

FPO lindylou2222
Joined Apr 25, 2014

Sun, June 22, 2014 8:49 PM

 Reply posted for karen w.

I actually just turned 24, and am still within the same year of my diagnosis.  I too still experience those feelings, but it gets better! My family is constantly telling me how much better my attitude is with time.  It is certainly a rollercoaster of emotions, but it gets better once you learn about your body and what works best for you! Everyday, I learn new tricks and tips specific for my condition of Crohns.  I find that for bloating - my GI gave me a list of foods that produce gas... there are the obvious, carbonated beverages [incl. alcohol! :p] and chewing gum, but there are so many others such as skin on apples/pears - nuts, wheat etc! So maybe those can help you out.  Trial and error is a big thing for people with Crohns! In time, things will get better, its all uphill from here .. they say your first flare up is the worst! 

FPO emilybcanada
Joined Jun 22, 2014

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