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Pregnancy and Crohn's

Wed, September 17, 2014 12:02 PM

I am 27 and was diagnosed earlier this year with Crohn's disease. I have been on Remicade for several months and it seems to be helping. I would like to be pregnant and have kids, but am afraid what it will mean for me, my health and a baby's health. My GI says that it is best to be in remission before I try to get pregnant. But, he also says that Remicade is safe to be on during pregnancy. Does anyone have experience with having Crohn's and being a mom? Good or bad?

I'm afraid that I will get pregnant and it will affect the baby or I will lose the baby.


FPO annaharrington
Joined Mar 13, 2014

Thu, March 23, 2023 12:26 AM

Reply posted for annaharrington.

Finally, you'll need to decide on the type of brakes you want on your BMX bike. There are two main types of brakes available: rim brakes and disc brakes. Rim brakes are typically cheaper and easier to maintain, while disc brakes are more powerful and offer better stopping power.

FPO jemijonson12
Joined Sep 14, 2022

Tue, February 03, 2015 6:56 PM

 Reply posted for annaharrington.

I'm surprised no one has replied to this thread!

I am currently in a similar boat and have the same questions. I recently turned 30 and have been experiencing a flare for most of the last year. I have been on several medications but nothing has helped take away the pain and fatigue (except prednisone). I was recently prescribed Humira and get my first shot this week but I have the same fear. My doctor also recommends that I be in remissions prior to getting pregnant. But is it REALLY okay to get pregnant on these kind of drugs? 

Have you had any success or found any feedback regarding this topic?

FPO casssiandra
Joined Feb 3, 2015

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