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Can't tolerate any meds so far

Mon, October 13, 2014 2:21 PM

I was diagnosed with Chron's in December 2009.  Doc put me on Lialda, antibiotics and Prednisone.  After becoming extremely ill on the meds, I quit taking all meds and had no symptoms at all until January of this year when I flared.  I had another colonoscopy and doc put me on Asacol, antibiotics and prednisone.  I became extremely ill and it was determined I had an allergy to mesalamine. I continued prednisone for 6 weeks (then was off) and started Imuran.  Within four weeks of being on Imuran, I developed acute pancreatitis.  I spent 2 1/2 days in the hospital.  This was two weeks ago that I had pancreatitis.  I am in remission.  I believe my next med step will be Humira.  I am VERY reluctant to start Humira since I've been unable to tolerate any meds so far, except prednisone and I don't want take that for more than a few weeks.  Have any of you tried to maintain remission with diet and probiotics?  I realize the goal is to minimize damage to my colon, but the trial and error feels like it is killing me more than the possible damage.  
And as for diet, are there any suggestions?  With each Chron's patient's trigger being different it is so hard to find information on diet.  

FPO dozieae
Joined Oct 13, 2014

Thu, October 30, 2014 3:00 AM

 Reply posted for dozieae.

I was diagnosed with Crohns last April, and just started medication about a month ago. Once I found out what I had, I went to changing my diet instead of medicine at first. I went to see a naturopath, which was VERY helpful. I am taking many natural supplements and probiotics to help soothe and heal my intestines. I also had bloodwork done for a food sensitivities test, and cut out all dairy, gluten, and processed sugar. There are many alternative food items for dairy and gluten, but not so many for sugar. I found 100% natural maple syrup, honey, and coconut sugar to be the best but they are very spendy. Whenever I cheat and eat something with gluten or sugar, I don't feel sick, but when I have something with dairy, I feel very sick the next day and have symptoms. I'm not taking Low Dose Naltrexone, and am continuing with the restricted diet. Good Luck, diet really does help.

FPO kristendwyer
Joined Jul 6, 2017

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