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Sex and Crohn's disease

Sun, December 07, 2014 2:08 PM

Hi. I'm 35 years old and I have Crohn's disease. I need some advice. I got married 2 years ago and I have to admit it's the only long term relationship I've ever had. I have been having a bad bout recently (flair ups, med changes, etc) and do not feel sexy or interested in sex in any way. I feel very bad for my husband because it's not him and I don't think he quite understands how gross Crohn's disease can make you feel. Not to mention being fat because of the prednisone and therefor feeling unattractive as well. I would appreciate any advice on how to balance these two issues. Thanks.

FPO khdavis
Joined Dec 7, 2014

Thu, December 11, 2014 9:36 AM

i know how you feel unattractive, bloated, puffy, and sex is the furthest thing from your mind.  the best thing to keep in mind is that  your marriage is in sickness and in health, for better and for worse.  your husband is going to see you at your worst (can't make it to the toilet and go in your pants) and he's going to see you at your best, which is when you're in remission, and you want to have sex all of the time!  it's a compromise.  you have to talk about it and not worry about it.  keep it light and be able to laugh about it. i guarantee you, he finds you sexy and attractive even if you're not feeling that way!  there are going to be days when sex is going to be an absolute *** no!  but there will also be days that you feel well enough.  take advantage of those days when you can.  get your husband educated on what's going on and why you feel the way you do.  communication and being honest will go along way.  don't stress over it! 

FPO shellyjhnsn01
Joined Dec 11, 2014

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