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Calling all Cancer Suvivors! What Treatment Options do I Have?

Mon, December 15, 2014 12:05 PM

I not only have UC, but also psoriasis and psoratic arthritis, which are also autoimmune disorders.  Unfortunately, I just finished 6 rounds of chemo for Ovarian Cancer.  I am currently in remission, but am struggling to figure out how to treat my conditions going forward.  For many years, I used Humira, which treats all three diseases, but now I am afraid to use biologics because of my heightened cancer risk.  I am allergic to Sulfa and Remicade so that eliminates those as options too.  Are there any Cancer survivors out there?  What advice were you given?  My specialists (Gastrointerologist, Dermatologist, and Rhemetologist) do not agree on what I should take going forward.  I have to take something...but I have a 6 year old and a 9 year old, so avoiding more Cancer is important!

FPO vicjackmom
Joined Dec 15, 2014

Sat, January 17, 2015 7:10 AM

 Reply posted for vicjackmom.

I dont have advice on medication but I just wanted to share that I am going through a similar situation. I had psoriasis for about 15 years (cleared up now), I have ulcerative colitis, and I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  I did not think another woman in my situation existed! Lol. I would love to share stories, particularly when you had your children? My cancer was found through ultrasound while pregnant with my first child.  I had surgery during my first trimester to have a cyst removed that turned out to be cancerous, then grew right back in the same spot.  She is 3months old now, and I am having surgery next month to have my left ovary removed.  Would have had it sooner, but I've been dealing with a flare for a few months now. Taking prednisone and trying to taper as much as possible before surgery.  Have doctors ever considered removing your ovaries? Interesting you had chemo, I was told chemo is not effective on the ovaries. Glad to hear you are cancer free now, congrats! Did you breastfeed your children? I've been desperately trying to but I've had supply issues and have been supplementing with formula.  I'm concerned about the effects of prednisone and breastfeeding too. Ok sorry this is so long- I would love to chat with you anytime! 

FPO kamilliner
Joined Jan 17, 2015

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