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Pregnancy after total-colectomy

Wed, January 28, 2015 7:52 AM

I was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis aged 26 and had four surgeries to remove my colon and create an ileo-anal pouch, unfortunately the last surgery was an emergency proceudre due to the third surgery breaking down a few days post surgery and causing peritonitis of my abdominal cavity. Since the last operation I've been very lucky and have had few problems other than with some discomfort, dehydration problems and frequent bowel movements, aside from one abdominal abcess which required draining. Now 7 years post surgery, my husband and I would love to have a baby but my obstetrician has adviced me to consider pregnancy very carefully given my surgery history. I also currently have a large ovarian cyst which needs removing by surgery and have been warned that this surgery poses risks due to the amount of scar tissue already in my abdomen. I'd really appreciate hearing from any women who have had a baby after extensive bowel surgery to help my husband and I to understand and weigh up the risks of me getting pregnant.   

FPO becky lloyd
Joined Jan 28, 2015

Tue, January 12, 2016 2:15 PM

 Reply posted for becky lloyd.

hi - 

so, i've had a total-colectomy with j-pouch. we are currently 12 weeks pregnant via ivf. we tried off and on for 2 years to get pregnant, which proved to be quite difficult. we did get pregnant on our own but lost the pregnancy. we opted to ivf and here we are 12 1/2 weeks in. i've had my own set of complications from the surgery and still dealing with that on a daily basis but it hasn't affected the pregnancy whatsoever.

none of my physicians (gi, surgeon, ob, high-risk, etc...) have any issues with scar tissue from surgery. they all, however, recommend a c-section, which i'm totally ok with. 

if you've been trying for a few years, i would recommend consulting with a reproductive specialist. they can *** the amount of scar tissue you have (as they did with me) via a sono/ultrasound and other tests and determine best course of treatment. they can also tell you if you have any other undiagnosed fertility issues that may or may not be related to your disease or surgery. and finally, there are so many options available to you that you may not be aware of. you may have a perfectly good fertility and produce plenty of eggs but just not be able to carry. there are surrogate options out there, which i personally think is ok if at the end of the day t's your baby. again, that would be your own personal preference but i would totally seek out a fertility specialist. 

good luck! 

FPO cooltampachic
Joined Nov 17, 2008

Fri, January 30, 2015 5:20 AM

 Reply posted for thumprhare.


Sorry to hear you are experiencing this, I know what a scary time it is. I'm happy to answer any specific questions about this surgery or share my experiences. What would you like to know?

Great to talk to a physician! I think the OB has no experience in this field and is therefore erring on the side of caution, as doctors understandably often do. Her concerns as I understand it are about the amount of scar tissue and adhesions which may be in my abdomen and how this might effect both the development of the baby in the womb and the c-section to deliver. I've not been able to get pregnant at all- we have been trying for three years. I don't think she is concerned about nutrition although it may be a factor- I have to take rehydration mix daily in the hot weather and every few days in the colder weather otherwise I feel awful and experience intense muscle cramps so I don't know how this would impact a developing fetus. All a bit scary but I'm trying to remain positive!


FPO becky lloyd
Joined Jan 28, 2015

Thu, January 29, 2015 9:46 AM

First, Hi.  I would really like to talk to you about your IPAA experiences.  I am staring down DALM and have been so healthy so I am scared to death.

Second, Ironically I am a physician.  Regarding you and pregnancy -- is the OB concerned about your fertility in general?  Malnutrition (folate, vit D etc?) Perhaps there is concern about your ability to get pregnant or their fear that if you needed a c section given the amount of surgery you have had it "could" be difficult with previous scarring.  I know that fertility in general is more complicated in IPAA BUT there are options if the old fashioned way doesn't happen (IVF etc).  

I hope that you get to follow your dreams and have a healthy pregnancy.  We have lost four pregnancies, BUT we have three little miracles that are awesome....

FPO thumprhare
Joined Jan 29, 2015

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