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Weight loss and shopping

Sun, March 22, 2015 6:20 PM

Hi, my name is Maggie. I am a 35 year old single gal diagnosed with Crohn&#39;s disease about ten years. I have never posted on a forum like this before but I am having so much trouble lately and I do not know any where else I can turn for support. I am hoping someone out there can relate to what I am going through...<br /> <br /> So, I am going to a conference for work next week and needed to buy a pair of business pants because I have lost so much weight lately that all of my current clothes are too big. So, I go to the mall and had no idea how this was going to be a much harder task than anticipated. So, I cannot even fit size 00. The people at the store look at me like I have an eating disorder and as I go from store to store I realize I have lost so much weight from my current Crohn&#39;s flare that I can&#39;t even get pants. Then I am so exhausted from just the activity of being in the mall that I settle for some leggings.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> I know now these sound like &quot;first world problems&quot;but I just want to escape the feeling of being sick or that I am different. Now, even a simple trip to the store brings it up. I wanted to cry at the end. Not because of some silly fashion problem but because I feel so misunderstood. My friends certainly would have a hard time sympathizing with my weight problem. Or understanding how all I want to do is go out and&nbsp;do things but how any amount of prolonged activity makes me exhausted. I take naps during lunch and sleeping 12 hours is not enough. And I eat and keep losing weight. &nbsp;I refuse to be a victim but I feel like the disease is starting to win.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Am I silly to be upset? &nbsp;Thank you for listening and any support you can give.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> &lt;3. &nbsp;Maggie

FPO magy34
Joined Mar 22, 2015

Sat, June 27, 2015 10:20 AM

 Reply posted for magy34.

I too had lost so much weight that nothing would fit me...cried when even underwear was too big. I had to start wearing dresses because it was all that would fit. Try shopping in teen stores or juniors departments, the sizing is a bit smaller.

FPO teeny5
Joined Jun 17, 2015

Fri, May 08, 2015 11:52 PM

 Reply posted for magy34.

Hi Maggie, I know it really stinks sometimes. I had surgery a couple years ago and after some complications I ended up losing a ton of weight in the hospital (and was super thin before as well). I'm not sure what you have all tried but I found that ensure plus (for weight gain) helped a little bit without being hard on the system. The taste at first was so so but I gained to like them quite a bit but only liked the vanilla kind, though there are other flavored too. They aren't the cheapest but it may be worth a shot if you haven't tried it already. But yeah I definitely can relate with the clothing thing. My weight has fluctuated so much I keep everything in my closet ranging in like 3 different pant sizes. Hang in there and hope your health improves!

FPO brouweke
Joined Jan 30, 2021

Wed, March 25, 2015 10:09 PM

 Reply posted for magy34.

Maggie, You are not being overly sensitive, unfortunately stuff happens. Ordinary friends more than likely cannot relate as our nation has become obsessed with the rail thin images found in advertisements, magazines and tv.  It truly is an unhealthy environment.  

I have two daughters, one with Crohn's since 4 yrs old and one who happens to be 5' 10"/115 lbs soaking wet. She has often been judged by those people that don't know her, fitting room attendants, strangers on the street, fellow students, etc.  I've always told her the ignorant people don't matter.  If they knew her, they'd know she eats sometimes more than my husband!

Try not to be so self conscious, there are stores that sell your size, you just need to hunt them down.  Also, if you find something that isn't quite as slim fitting as you'd like, get to know the tailor in your local dry cleaners......they can work magic!

Good luck in your journey, be well!

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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