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Delivery, Pregnancy, and Crohn's

Sat, October 31, 2015 8:16 AM

Hi, I need help navigating this pregnancy with an OB that feels incredibly uncomfortable with my Crohn's. I would like to know if any women have had successful vaginal delivery after Crohn's with perianal disease. My disease has been in remission for +10yrs, and I have a colostomy. My OB will not consider vaginal delivery because she said that I probably have too many adhesions/scar tissue. Do any of you have experience or info regarding Crohn's patients who deliver vaginally? I don't understand why I have to have more surgery because I've had surgery! Thank you for your help!đź’•

FPO beksmith
Joined Oct 31, 2015

Fri, November 06, 2015 10:09 PM

 Reply posted for beksmith.

I have not delivered yet but my GI doctor told me there should be no reason to avoid vaginal delivery unless you are in the middle of a flare or have active vaginal or colon/anal inflammation... at that point you should definitely have a c-section because its for your safety because if things tear open down there it can be difficult to repair/heal and theres high risk of infection. As far as the scar tissue goes I really don't know about that, but if you are concerned I would get a second opinion. Maybe see another OBGYN or if she is in a practice of numerous caretakers then see if there is another practitioner there that can be a second opinion. My office is one where you rotate around and see every provider there so that when it's time for delivery and the on call provider is called in you are not surprised or uncomfortable by meetin someone new. However, I also see an OBGYN specialists office because when dealing with UC or Crohns it's best to be considered high risk during pregnancy. So maybe see if your OBGYN can consider that and refer you?

FPO neusker385
Joined Nov 6, 2015