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Pregnancy and Humira/Remicade or no drugs at all?

Tue, February 24, 2009 1:00 AM

I just had surgery (an iliorection) and my Dr. is encouraging me to stay on Humira to prevent reoccurance of the disease. My husband and I want to get pregnant, and I had wanted to be drug free going into pregnancy. I am just feaful of being on a drug that has not been tested in pregnancy (and won't be because it is class D).

Also, I am allergic to Remicade, but they are very similar drugs, so if you have experience with that, I would be curious.

FPO carl0938
Joined Sep 23, 2008

Tue, March 17, 2009 2:43 PM

 Reply posted for carl0938.

I am on Humira and am currently 14 weeks pregnant.  My colitis did flare up at the start of my pregnancy and was not fun.  It has stabalized now and the baby seems fine.  I would encourage you to make sure that your OB and your GI talk as well.  I am with Kaiser and with them the colitis puts you into their "high risk" category which is fine because it means they monitor the baby every 2 weeks closely.  I have also done research and Humira is now a class B and the risks of a flare up is much worse on the baby to the point of miscarriage from what I have read.  So far everything is great!  I have also spoke with several other patients my GI hooked me up with that have had perfectly normal pregnancies on both Remicade and Humira! 

The one thing I am curious about... has anyone breast fed while on Humira?  This is another cloudy issue that no one wants to give a yes or a no because not enough research has been done.  Anyone have any imput?

FPO lashygirl76
Joined Jun 16, 2008

Sat, March 14, 2009 8:03 PM

 Reply posted for carl0938.

I want to encourage you to speak with your Ob and GI and have them communicate with one another....

I spent my first 6 mos of pregnancy so sick. I spent 3 seperate occassions in the hospital after I was finally diagnosed with UC... my OB thought that 20 days worth of bloody diaarhea  and vomiting was a normal part of pregnancy... I no longer see him. I weighed less than 106 lbs at 6 mos and was continuously loosing until the GI put me on prednisone and colozal which I still take in correlation with the Remicade... There have been 4 pregnant women who have had treatments with me who have all delivered healthy babies...

I am only 23 and would love to try for another child after my body heals up a little bit more... and my GI is totally on board... he just wants to get me at a healthy state that I can keep up with  for a while!

GOOD Luck!!

FPO ajpittman0607
Joined Mar 14, 2009

Wed, March 11, 2009 8:11 PM

 Reply posted for carl0938.

I understand your concern... I am also looking at getting pregnant again, but this time I am on Humira.  But, it is actually classified as Class B, and the animal studies show no problems, plus the risks of a pregnancy w/out your med's could be worse for the baby, as your disease can flare in the middle of it.

FPO britt1449
Joined Mar 11, 2009

Wed, February 25, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for carl0938.

I have had two beautiful and perfectly healthy children, all while on Humira. My doctor at Mayo is part of a lot of research that is showing these drugs to be safe... you should definitely talk to your doctor about it! Both Remicade and Humira haven't been studied a LOT in pregnancy, but are being looked at more and more as safe. There are no guarantees - but that's true with anything you put in your body while pregnant, and even if you don't take any drugs! - but I hope it makes you feel better to know that there are people out there who've had success with it.

FPO jna
Joined Jun 3, 2008

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