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Skipped Menstruation

Wed, February 25, 2009 8:28 PM

Recently I had a flare up of my Crohn's that lasted just about two months.  Began December, after my menstrual cycle, and ended early February.  I have not had a menstrual cycle since December, is that unusual?

FPO kellih
Joined Feb 25, 2009

Wed, March 11, 2009 8:00 PM

 Reply posted for KelliH.

I am 24, and I was dx'd with Crohn's when I was 9.  First off, I started my period later.... about 14, almost 15.  And I have ALWAYS been irregular... one month on, 5 months off, etc.  Crazy, I know.  So, when my husband and I decided to have a baby, I wasn't sure if I was able to conceive.  My gyno said I might not be ovulating.  But two months later, I was pregnant!  Anyway, I guess the irregularity does not have anything to do w/ovulating, but I do know Crohn's and weight-loss have a lot to do w/how your period acts.  Any chronic illness can affect your cycle.

FPO britt1449
Joined Mar 11, 2009

Wed, March 04, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for KelliH.

I was diagnosed with crohn's last May.  I had extremely light/ practically no period for a few months.  My doctor put me on prometrium and that has helped.  Not sure how hormones and crohn's connect but this all came at the same time.  There is also a chance that it's prednisone causing it.

FPO tdheather
Joined Aug 3, 2008

Wed, March 04, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for KelliH.

Hey so I am dealing with the same concerns. I have a serious case of Crohn's havn't quite gotten remission yet ever, but almost there now. I got a lot better for a few months then starting in January I started getting sick a lot again like especially pain, and so I had another colono a few weeks ago and found out my gut has almost healed up but now its just dealing with the cronic issues of my disease.

Anyways the last period I had was like first week of January, plus I'm having like tons of cramps! I've also been to a doctor of lady issues too and they were questioning if I might have endometeriosis. I don't know if I should call my GI doctor or let my mom know or something. (I'm 17) Should I just wait a few weeks yet?

FPO rachj
Joined Jun 2, 2008

Thu, February 26, 2009 1:03 PM

 Reply posted for asohn.

I just turned 38, so I know its not menopause.  I did lose about 15 LBS in 3 weeks before I was able to start stabilizing my weight during the flare up. And was (am) quite anemic as a result.  Maybe the weight loss has caused the two month skip.  I never thought I’d be “longing” for my period like this.  I guess it’s kinda like an old friend.

FPO kellih
Joined Feb 25, 2009

Thu, February 26, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for KelliH.

I have UC and have been in a flare-up for about 5 months. My periods have been VERY light during this practically nothing. I wasn't sure if it was directly because of the UC or because of my lack of nutrients due to the UC and diarrhea. I have an appt with my GI specialist in a few weeks and I put that on my list of questions to ask.

FPO aimee
Joined Feb 16, 2009

Wed, February 25, 2009 11:33 PM

 Reply posted for KelliH.

Unfortunately I never have been able to find out how much my crohns affects my menstral cycle. I think it does. Of course it depends on your age but having a flare can make you skip, it has for me in the past.

I'm older now and I had an ovectomy (one ovary removed) because of a tumor. No doctor will tell me if the crohns causes this or not because I have another cyst that needs to be looked at with vaginal ultrasound.

I'm sorry for the long story but I have a female gastro doc and a female gyno and I need to get them on the same page. What is affecting what exactly!

Long story short I think Crohns does interfere with menstral cycles and visa versa, but no doctors I've talked with seem to know much about it.

Hope that I had something helpful to add.

Good luck and take care


FPO redrider42
Joined Jul 28, 2008

Wed, February 25, 2009 11:27 PM

 Reply posted for KelliH.

Wow I am having the opposite problem- I am bleeding every two weeks it seems.  I know if you lose too much weight you can stop menustrating.  You might check with your GYN just to make sure. 

FPO asohn
Joined Dec 22, 2008

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