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CUrrently pregnant and worried

Tue, March 10, 2009 1:21 AM

  I was pregnant last year and I miscarried after about three months.  I have Crohns disease since I was 12 years old.. and now am going to be 25.  I was put on 6mp and sulfasalizine and took it till I was 19 and lost my medical coverage so I havent taken any meds for about four doctor...just watch what I eat...i still am in remission with some problems occasionaly.....what should I do now that I am pregnant and what meds. should i ask my doctor to take with out my disease acting up...I do not want to have a relapse now or ever trust me when you are in middle school and high school on steroids is not fun.. I just hope i dont pass my disease on to my baby or have another miscarriage 

FPO amanda2002cheer
Joined Mar 10, 2009

Mon, April 20, 2009 3:36 PM

 Reply posted for amanda2002cheer.

You definitely want your OB to communicate throughout your pregnancy with your GI - that's important! And yes, there are lots of meds you can take safely throughout your pregnancy. I have taken Humira throughout two pregnancies now (and have two very healthy kids that had NO complications whatsoever). In my second pregnancy, the Crohn's flared up pretty badly and I was on steroids throughout. Both the OB and GI (and medical literature) says it's perfectly safe to be on steroids throughout pregnancy without undue risk to your baby. And in my own experience, everything went really well and I couldn't have asked for better results - I mean, I have friends that DON'T have diseases and even their pregnancies have complications, you know?

Hope that makes you feel better about all of this. But yes, you need your body to be as healthy as it can be in order to carry your child... so come up with a plan that works for you and is approved by your doc! You don't want your disease to make you so sick that you can't carry your baby. As important as your baby's health is, YOU have to be healthy in order to make the baby healthy. Don't forget - they get everything from YOU while they're in there! So you need to be at your best... and sometimes that means taking some meds. Trust your docs, trust the statistics, trust the medical literature and the studies (however few they are).

FPO jna
Joined Jun 3, 2008

Mon, March 16, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for amanda2002cheer.

I agree with the other responses. Please consult with a GI doctor to see what he/she recommends. My GI doctor says that even though I am in remission with UC, it is better that I continue my 6mp while pregnant to prevent a flare up.  He says that a flare up while pregant  can be very detremental to you and the baby.  Perhaps going back on on some prophalaxtic medication may be a good idea???

FPO rar
Joined Mar 16, 2009

Sat, March 14, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for amanda2002cheer.

I would recommend your OB and GI talk to each other.  I have found that most OBs are not well experienced in caring for a pregnant woman with UC or CD.  Also, research has shown that only about 15% of UC/CD suffers have a parent with one of the diseases.  So, the chances of you passing it on to your child are not high.  Good luck!

FPO lbcrawford2003
Joined Jun 19, 2008

Tue, March 10, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for amanda2002cheer.

I would definately talk to your OB about your condition and ask what meds you can take.  I had other immune issues during my last two pregnancies- in my last one I took prednisone (steroid) until about 17weeks gestation.  He will be turning 2 in 3 weeks!  I understand your fear- I had 2 m/c before my 2 little boys.  I didn't get dx'd with UC until just recently - but my OB/GYN said that women with UC definately can have happy and healthy pregnancies!  Also double check your vitamins.  Sometimes the pregnancy vitamins have stool softeners in them - something you might not want.  Good luck and wishing you a healthy baby!

FPO asohn
Joined Dec 22, 2008

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