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Just joined here and so confused!!!!

Sun, March 29, 2009 2:53 PM

Hi everyone,

I have ignored the fact that I was diagnosed with crones about 2-3 years ago. I originally saw a GI DR and he scared me right out of the office to never return. I have been reading a lot of the things you have been posting. I just went thru the most painful constipation I have ever gone thru. I actually, have never had it. I always had constant diarreah which is how I ended up tested in the first place. THat eventually changed with a drastic change in diet, but I got very sick and lost too much weight from all that diarreah.

SO these past 4 days have been really bad. And it did not even come to mind until yesterday that I HAVE CRONES! I ignore this all the time and I have no idea why. NO one in my family has acknowledged it, so I guess I have not either. I get massive heart burn which feels like chest pain. Is this normal? I am not on any meds for this right now. But after what I just went thru all night to relieve the contipation, I do not want to ever go thru that pain again. I do not even know what foods to avoid and what I should be eating. My regular DR just let it go.  I found you by research in hopes that you could help me out. I am 36, always tired, and never realized it even could be because I have crones. Any feedback would be so much appreciated.

Thank you very much!


FPO ali36
Joined Mar 28, 2009

Sun, April 05, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Ali36.

Uhh.. my GI docs never stuck their hands inside me (except when I had some of my bowel removed during surgery in 2001, but I was asleep for that and cut open from my sternum to my belly button, so I really didn't care if their hands were inside me anyway, lol).  But if you get a good (normal) doc, they won't (or shouldn't) do that. 

And colonoscopies aren't that bad, they put you under with some good sleepy drugs that make you forget what's going on.  You probably won't even remember it at all.  I don't remember mine.

FPO jco
Joined Apr 5, 2009

Sun, April 05, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Ali36.

Part 2:

Crohn's is also affected a LOT by stress, as you've probably heard.  Stressfull life events make it worse.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to get rid of stress, and if anyone else does... I'd like to know, too!!  ;)

Anyway, there's a lot more I could tell you about Crohn's but that would be too boring for anyone to read, lol.  I've been dealing with it actively for nearly 8 years so any questions are welcome.  I do know a lot about it, but not everything obviously.  Crohn's is a relatively "new" disease, so there are new things being discovered every day about it.  If you want to hit me up on MySpace, my name is the same on there (J- Co).

FPO jco
Joined Apr 5, 2009

Sun, April 05, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Ali36.

Well, if your GI doc scared you out of the office, I'd get a new GI doc (one that doesn't scare you, lol)  because he/ she will be one of your best friends for the rest of your life (or should be).  Crohn's is something that you're going to have to deal with from now on, unfortunately.  I was diagnosed in 2001 at age 17 and I've had a couple different GI docs, both of whom I am still in contact with and under the care of.

You will learn which things not to eat or to avoid if possible.  You might want to get a doc to do a blood food allergy test on you if you can.  One of my docs did that on me and it helped me to avoid some foods that bother me (most of them I already knew anyway just by the way I felt and the symptoms I had after eating them).  Personally, things like raw fruit and veggies, coffee, and spicy foods are what give me trouble.  Some people with Crohn's can't handle milk, alcohol, or greasy foods as well.  It really depends on your body cuz everyone's different.

Are you on any meds for the Crohn's?  I would suggest at least asking the GI doc about meds, because they can really help A LOT with symptoms.  Steroids should be avoided if possible though because they have a lot of bad side effects (like weight gain).  Imuran is what I was on for years (it's an immunosuppressant, non- steroidal) and it controlled my symptoms pretty well until my latest flare up in 2005.  Since 2005, I've been on Remicade and that works but my dose is very high.  (Remicade is a monoclonal antibody that's given as an IV infusion every 6- 8 weeks)

FPO jco
Joined Apr 5, 2009

Wed, April 01, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Ali36.

Thank you everyone. I know I need a GI Dr. You are all right. Someone asked me what scared me away? Well if I can be blunt.....The Dr I was sent to was a very old man and was almost too happy about what he was doing. I was very insecure and felt so uncomfortable as it was. I had no idea he was going to have to physcially check my "insides" with his finger. I do not mean to be so blunt, I do not know how else to answer. Because I had no idea that was going to occur, and he was smiling the whole time, and due to his age and my age, I guess I felt invaded. Maybe I should have known better and taken this better, but at the time, I did not. I got very scared away and never went back. His next words to me were......I suggest you get a colonoscapy, but you do not need it right now. That is when I really ran. So I would have to say, I was not emotionally ready at the time and I was not informed of anything that may or may not happen at this visit. I had never had any type of these procedures done before, so I think I was just young, naive and scared. I am 36 now and I know I need to take care of my health. Any suggestions on how to be more informed? Or did any of you have this experience?

Thank you all very much!

FPO ali36
Joined Mar 28, 2009

Wed, April 01, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Ali36.

I would agree that finding the right doctor is key and definitely don't ignore it.  I had symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis since highschool.  I had doctors tell me everything from change my diet to it was all in my head and I was sent to a phsycologist.  I was finally diagnosed about 3 years ago... I am now 32 years old.  I had the same reaction.  I was given medication and told I would be on it for the rest of my life.  Handed a list of things to avoid and sent on my way.  So I did what you did... ignore the whole thing.  2 years ago I started passing blood and within one month I was up all night long passing blood and could barely function.  I ended up beign hospitalized for 2 weeks.  My UC had spread to about 5 times the original area and instead of pills I was being put on a 3 hour Remicade infusion.  I learned real quick to accept my problem.  Now I am on a self injection of Humira every 2 weeks and for the most part I live a normal life.  My UC is very active and my GI always moans when he sees me coming but he laughes and has become my ali.  The whole thing is scary, but it is only going ot get worse with denial.  Between my GI doctor and me, we have managed to keep my life pretty normal.  Best wishes going forward.  Definitely see a GI doctor and take your time finding the one that fits you best! 

FPO lashygirl76
Joined Jun 16, 2008

Wed, April 01, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Ali36.

I know that it's scary being told you have a disease, and that it is hard to deal with... but at some point you will have to face this, and it's better now than when it's even worse! That means getting treatment. You won't believe how much better you can feel, and it's worth it. Plus, you could be doing some very serious damage to your body by ignoring the symptoms. I'm not saying that to scare you... but it's the truth. And it can happen fast, so it's best to get it under control and have a good doctor on hand if and when something happens! Once you get your medication that works, you could go a long time without feeling sick -- it CAN happen!

FPO jna
Joined Jun 3, 2008

Tue, March 31, 2009 9:05 PM

 Reply posted for Ali36.

You've got to get to a good GI doctor! There are so many things that can be done to help, and ignoring your symptoms will only make things worse. I had heartburn for years and diahhrea, and other symptoms too. If you've got Crohn's, your body is attacking your digestive system. No magic diet is going to stop your body from doing this. What about your doctor visit scared you? Was the doctor mean, or were you scared by the disease itself? Don't be scared of Crohn's...The only way I've found to get my life back is to accept that I've got it and face it head-on.

Good luck and God bless. You've found a great resource here, and we're glad to help!


FPO kareng
Joined Jan 21, 2009

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