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Crohns, Menstruation and Prednisone

Mon, March 30, 2009 9:04 PM

I just came off of prednisone and was on it for nearly a year (since last May).  Most of the time the dosage was between 10-20mg daily.  During this time my hormones got all out of whack resulting in little to no period and it was always late.  I am not 100% sure the prednisone is the culprit but I've never had problems like this before.  Have anyone else experienced this?  If so, will it go away?

 I've been off the preds for a few weeks and I am still having the side effects including acne, hair falling out,etc.  But mainly this hormonal stuff is driving me crazy.  The doctor actually put me on prometrium (hormone) to help.  It's helping but there are still major problems- I am spotting and there is blood in my urine nearly two weeks before my period should start.  I hate to keep going to the doctor and there is concern that the hormone drug could cause my liver tumor to grow.  Any advice?

FPO tdheather
Joined Aug 3, 2008

Mon, March 30, 2009 10:35 PM

 Reply posted for tdheather.

I to was on prednisone for 9 months and had the same issue when I went off of it.
Spotting 2 weeks prior to my period/ cramping and then when I have my period it starts late and ends early. I have been on birth control this whole time so I called my GYN went in for ultra sound and a check and they found nothing, then second month came around same thing. Talked with the Nurse and she said that shes seen woman go through this up to 6 months that they have been off the steroids its just your body adjusting to not having it in your system. This has been my 4 months and I am finally starting to feel a little bit better, hang in there.
Good luck to you.

FPO trissy
Joined May 20, 2008

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