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UC newly diagnosed confused w/ symptoms and Canasa breastfeeding

Wed, April 22, 2009 12:00 AM

I am newly diagnosed with UCand confused.  I went to the doc when I started passing blood a month ago.  I don't have abdominal cramps so I can't pinpoint any food to avoid.  Does anyone else not have many side effects? 
I've been taking Canasa for 30 days which has controlled my bleeding and eased constipation, doc suggested taking it every other day now and bumping it back up if I have more symptoms...what else should I be looking for since I have no cramping? 
Also,  I'm breastfeeding a 5 month old and taking Canasa suppositories.  All the info I find shows no studies.  Any personal experience out there?

FPO melissah
Joined Apr 22, 2009

Sat, June 20, 2009 9:50 PM

 Reply posted for melissah.

I have a sort of similar situation, so I really can sympathize with your frustrations. I'm 30 and have a 5.5 month old baby. I was diagnosed with UC 2 days ago. I've been sick for almost 2 months, and was hospitalized (was living overseas) for over 2 weeks last month. We made it back to the US 2 weeks ago to get help here. Most of my milk dried up while I was in the hospital, and I've been too sick to breastfeed exclusively like I was doing before. However, I was breastfeeding my son at least 1 time a day in hopes that I would recover and could milk my supply back up. My doctor yesterday suggested that I stop though. He perscribed prednisone and apriso (mesalamine). As if being sick is crummy enough... It sucks to have the decision taken from me of when to wean my son. Sorry for the venting, but at least it does help when you know you aren't the only one with these problems.

FPO kmr
Joined Jun 19, 2009

Tue, June 02, 2009 7:33 PM

 Reply posted for melissah.

Hang in there, Mom!  I was diagnosed with UC 4 years ago.  My doctor is treating me with Asacol.  Since then, I've had two beautiful healthy children.  Yes, there were many rough days, but every one of them was worth it. 
I was unable to breastfeed my son.  He was my first.  When my daughter came along she breastfed like a champ and right away I read everything I could and talked to everyone I could about the dangers of meds.  I found the same message across the long as the benefits outweigh the risks.  I know you're concerned about a different med.....just sharing my experience that only a small amount of Asacol traces into breastmilk.  My daughter's 10 1/2 months now and she is healthy as a horse :).  Her Pediatrician agreed that she should continue breastfeeding to as close to a year as possible.
Hope this helps.  Good luck and congratulations on your baby!

FPO ceomomdotnet
Joined May 29, 2009

Tue, May 12, 2009 3:00 PM

 Reply posted for laurad.


Now I'm in the same boat.  I stressed out over the breastfeeding with meds,  had/ am having a flare and my milk is drying up.  I'm starting fenugreek today, and have cut out a lot of foods because they cause cramps/ frequent bathroom trips.  Are you still taking Canasa even though you had a flare while on it?  I'm not sure what to do at this point,  I just don't want meds that I can't feed my baby on.  What's working for you?  Thanks so much for you input,  it helps me a lot!

FPO melissah
Joined Apr 22, 2009

Sun, May 03, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for melissah.

Hi Melissah,

You responded to my post on the 'newly diagnosed' thread. I just wanted to share that I also was concerned about breastfeeding while taking Canasa and began to wean my twins, not wanting it to harm them. It was so horrible and emotionally stressful for all three of us! I decided two weeks later to try again and then I couldn't get my milk to come in. They went on a two week nursing strike after that because I tried to nurse and nothing was there. After pumping every two hours (like when they were newborns) and taking fenugreek, my milk came back and everything was fine (thank goodness!). I shared this with my dr. and he said that he had prescribed the Canasa knowing I was still breastfeeding and that it was perfectly fine. It would have been nice to know that when I first started taking it. :(. I also had a flare as a result of this stressful time. Ughh. Hang in there. I'm trying to be grateful that my symptoms are quite mild, but fear that if this doesn't go away they will only get worse.


FPO laurad
Joined Apr 26, 2009

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