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Mon, May 18, 2009 12:00 AM

Hi!  I was diagnosed with Crohns about 5 years ago and since have been hospitalized numerous times and had resection surgery 2 years ago.  Most people I have met with this disease have just the opposite problem than me.....they are very thin.  I am approx. 35 lbs overweight to where I used to be.

I blame part of this on the medication (prednisone), quitting smoking and the fact that my comfort foods are mostly starches and carbohydrates.  I don't eat many veggies or fruits when I'm ill because they hurt.

It doesn't seem to matter how hard I try I can't seem to get this weight off.  Or I get discouraged because I'll do really well for a while and then I'll feel sick again......

Does anyone else have this issue or any ideas for me???


FPO nana
Joined Jun 12, 2008

Tue, June 30, 2009 1:22 AM

 Reply posted for nana.

Hi. As with so many other people that have Crohns/Colitis there is a sad misconception that we should all be thin because we are sick.
I am sorry that you are struggling with weight issues, it's never easy, but it's also reassuring that we aren't alone.
Diagnosed in 2001, I am now 29 and have gained, lost, gained, lost about 80lbs over the past few years. Most recently I was able to lose 30 of it due to a slight decrease in Prednisone as well as Entocort.
That along with swimming which oddly enough helps the cramping too?? Of course with a restroom in close proximity:) I don't know it's all trial and error. One day one thing will work the next it's something else.
Don't lose hope, easier said than done, but you have a lot of support from people who truly understand.
Best of luck with everything....

FPO brie7
Joined Jun 30, 2009

Sun, June 14, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for slydeborah.

Keep me posted with the bio-hormone replacement. I wish I could find a doctor locally who did that. Have you always had rough cycles? I have, bloating, swelling, mood swings, weight gain. Now, with perimemopause, WORST........let me know what happens.


FPO crohnsinoh
Joined Jun 14, 2009

Sun, June 14, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for slydeborah.

Nana, see my post

its from your orginial post. Please keep my posted. I know exactly how you feel, where you're coming from. I will do the same. Do you feel like it's you against the world sometimes, and wonder why the weight. I truely delieve, our bodies "Crohnie's" does NOT work normally. We have to fight for the weight because, internally our insides are at disaray. Our insides are just trying to gain some sort of normal fucntion, then we throw dieting into the mix. Diets, changes in general are stressfull to a "normal" system. Throw in one that fights itself??? See what I mean? One day at a time, slow changes. Maybe together you I and will achieve our best weight.

FPO crohnsinoh
Joined Jun 14, 2009

Thu, June 04, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for nana.

 Hi everyone,

How refreshing to find other women with this issue.  I have also had issues with weight gain for the past approx 5 years.

I was very fit and worked out 5 times a week.  My metabolism just went into the toilet as most of what I eat.  Sorry!  Hope that does not offend anyone!  LOL

I have also quit smoking but that did not seem to matter as it seemed more as if the peri-menopause and now menopause are the culprits.  The only trouble is that most doctors do not seem to understand the interactions with our changing bodies and crohn's.

I do eat veggies fully cooked but have trouble with dairy and red meat so those are off my diet.  I eat very healthy and still have issues with weight.  I have not been able to exercise as regularly as I did in the past at the level I use to so my body has basically shut down.  I cannot do what I use to do and with the hormonal changes it seems like a lost effort. 

I am going to see a female doctor about hormone replacement - bio-identical to see if that might help as I have ongoing issues of lack of well being that I think interplay with crohn's.

I want my life back and if bio-identical hormones for a few years helps then I will use them!  I will let you know what happens.  If anyone else has any suggestions or experiences please share!



FPO slydeborah
Joined Jun 4, 2009

Thu, May 28, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for ODAT.

Yep !  that sounds just like me.....I am 49 and holding (till Sept).  :)     Safe foods for me are the carbs and starches and so that is part of my problem.  I was also as you say eating more in the evening and snacking.  

Went to the Dietician today at the hosptial for some advise.  She is going to monitor me for a while , but basically, she said I was lucky that I had the extra weight where other C&C sufferers have more severe issues with being too thin.  However for heart issues etc. I still need to lose some.

So. it came down to - counting my carbs ( 135 - 180 g per day)

                                  Counting fat    ( 50 grams per day)

Watching the health food guide.  Sticking to basics is good for me, and I have to cook any veggies to death.

Increasing my exercise (if possible) to 1 hr a day and walking.

This seems like a good plan, but it is difficult to exercise when you're in flare and the eating - well I have some days I don't eat hardly anything at all when I'm ill and then there's the almighty prednisone right ???  I have tapered down to 15 mg a day right now - so hopefully I will be off it soon and not flare back up .

We'll see how it goes....


FPO nana
Joined Jun 12, 2008

Thu, May 21, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for nana.

Hi, I, too, had often wondered why I was gaining weight and others were loosing. After several years of hearing the Dr say he is baffled as to why I am gaining weight; I decided to get a change of dr's and see what happens. Of course, I'm talking about Gastroenterologists... Found one that was a female Dr and studies Crohn's (diseases) in women. Learned from that Dr that she sees this (weight gain) alot in women who are menopausal or have been set into menopausal. Not certain what your age is, but, I'm 45 years old and was set into menopausal (complete hysterectomy) back in 2000. My hormones were way out of whack!! I'm now taking a custom made hormonal drug and will check the levels out in a few months. Also, I can't do veggies and fruits either... creates such an issues with my Crohn's and IBS!! And, I don't eat a thing during the day if I know I have to leave my comfort zone (restrooms). I chow down like I'm starving at the end of my day and then of course it's bed time. That's partial to my weight gain as well. When I travel, cheerios is my best food that I can feel safe with. I eat alot of cheerios!!!! Club crackers and pretzels too... Come time to chill for the evening, I don't do too well with disciplining myself with eating proportionally. One day I can be on track and do ok; then other days I'm having a what the heck night!!! This is a tough topic for us women (overweight and digestive issues...) which I think helps add to us becoming emotional eaters. I mean, if we didn't eat, we'd feel better - but, we've got to eat to live or to prevent other medical issues. I could go on and on... :) Take care!        

FPO odat
Joined May 4, 2009

Thu, May 21, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Nanie.

Hi Nanie from Nana  :)  an others who have replied :)

No, I'm not 21 anymore either.....but I still am concerned with my weight with regards to heart issues and my knees etc.  I realize that I'm never going to be the 21 weight again....but the 40 weight would be nice :)

Am happy to report that I am feeling better since I got out of the hospital, I'm finally coming around.  Back on prednisone again and that makes things difficult.  Hopefully I won't be back on it too long and end up with my moon face again....that's what I find so hard and discouraging.  Every time I seem to be getting a handle on my weight and exercising I get sick again and everything goes it the garbage  (or down the toilet :) )

Will let you know what the Dietician has to offer on the 27th.


FPO nana
Joined Jun 12, 2008

Wed, May 20, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for nana.

You are not alone for sure. My doctor told me that I would lose the extra pounds once I was off the steroids and we find what vitamin's or mineral that my body is not absorbing. It happened but everytime I have to go back on the steroids I gain the weight back and each time it is harder to get off. Of course, my doctor likes to remind me that I'm not 21 anymore.LOL I am trying to take the exta pounds off once more and yes it gets very discouraging.

FPO nanie
Joined May 20, 2009

Mon, May 18, 2009 10:42 PM

 Reply posted for dbird.

Thanks !  I'm glad I'm not alone.....

As I said, I just recently got out of the hospital - but while I was there I did get a referral to see a Dietician.  I have my appt on May 27th.  So I will let you know how that goes.....Before I had Crohn's I didn't have any problem with my weight....but I guess quitting smoking is part of it, and as I said the carbs and who can exercise when you can hardly move sometimes. right? 

Anyway - thanks for replying.  I appreciate it.

Also - Do you find that people kinda look at you funny.....I guess the "norm" is that most people with Crohns have a weight problem....just not on our side :)  but I shouldn't complain really.  I guess I would rather be "fluffy" than  really skinny which I'm sure has it's own issues.

FPO nana
Joined Jun 12, 2008

Mon, May 18, 2009 1:38 PM

 Reply posted for nana.


Nope, you're not alone. Actually, I'm glad that I'm not alone! I don't know what to tell you. I wish I had the answer, but if you ever find one, please let me know! I wish I only had 35 pounds to contend with!

FPO dbird
Joined May 18, 2009

Mon, May 18, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for nana.

I feel your pain.  I have always struggled with my weight.  That was one reason I was shocked to find that I had Crohn's.  I thought you had to have unexplained weight loss.  Since I have gotten everything under control symptom-wise, I feel like it is harder to lose weight.  I am going to bring it up to my GI when I see her again in a couple of weeks.  It's very frustrating.  Good luck!

FPO lizchurch03
Joined Oct 18, 2008

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