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Crohn's and YI and diet

Sun, July 26, 2009 8:31 PM

Hi all. Dealing with another YI it seems and I just wondered about others diets when it comes to dealing with both YI and Crohns. My nutrionist has me eating certain foods for the Crohns and to keep up my weight and much of it seems to conflict with the typical candida diet. For example, on the candida diet you eat a lot of raw veggies. Cant do this with the Crohns. When I have a flare I am supposed to eat white rice, white short, bland foods. Cant do this on candida diet. She also has me otherwise avoiding white sugars, but says that Luna bars with brown rice syrup are ok as are Rice Dream deserts, rice pudding, etc, and basically natural sweetners, but I read on the candida diet this is still a no go. And, grains are my biggest confusion. She has me eating spelt bread, kamut cereal, wheat pasta, etc and NO grains are allowed on the candida diet. So, just wondered if anyone else was out there like me dealing with multiple issues and wondering what to do in terms of what to eat or, better yet, if you know what to eat please share with me what you have learned.. I know a lot is individual, but am open to hearing any advice you may have..THANKS:)

FPO mariella
Joined Oct 31, 2008

Mon, July 27, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Mariella.

YIs must come with the Crohn's territory.  I never had that confirmed but have dealt with YIs for many years before being dx'ed w/Crohns.  I use a vinegar/water douche the first day I have symptoms.  I follow with 7 day treatment .  Eat lots of yogurt, the ones with active cultures(Danactive, etc.) have helped more recently than the others.   I follow with another douche several days later.  That seems to relieve symptoms and breaks the cycle of the infection.

I want to try the SCD diet (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) also written about on this website.  (Search: SCD or Specific carbohydrate diet). Those that have tried it say it works!  It is like a gluten free diet but more carboyhydrate restricted.  Changing eating habits is difficult. You have to cut out 99% of the common carbohydrates (wheat, corn, etc.) that our diet consists of.  Those that have had success says it puts them into remission and YIs subside.

FPO fushiastarz
Joined Sep 5, 2008

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