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Having a diffuicult day

Fri, July 24, 2009 10:21 AM


 I need to talk to someone who really understands what it's like having UC and all of the pain that is felt. 

To tell you a little bit.  I have had UC since Nov 2005 and it's been a lot of work learning about all of the different meds and how it pay attention to my body when I eat certain foods and wonder what they will or will not do to my body.  I'm always looking for the restroom. Learning to deal with the great deal of pain that comes with having UC and all of the meds and vitiams, lab work etc.

After several doses of Mesalamine (Enema) and increasing my Asocol to 12 pills a day for several months and lots of bleeding. This was a long process and affected me alot.

Recently I went back to the doctor and I still am having some kind of inflammation in my body which is making my count higher then normal. It seems to always be something.  Since the bleeding finally stopped my Dr wanted to try to lower the dose of Asocal and see how my body does.  I should have been extreamly happy, but I was concerned on what was making my count high.  I worry a lot and it's not a good thing I know.  Anyway, I started the lower dose of 8 pills for the next two months to see how my body does and hope that there isn't anymore bleeding. Well a week after I started taking the lower does I had a really bad attact and there was some blood when I wipped. (sorry for the details) I was sad and concerned.  I haven't had any more blood and am hoping that it was because I had to push since I was backed up for a couple of days and thinking that may have cause the little bit of blood that I saw.

What has me kind of down is that I am having really bad cramping on my left side of the intensine and I'm in so much pain.  Really would like to have this pain go away.  It's hard to express how I am feeling. Just kind of having a stuff time with it today.






FPO smiles
Joined Oct 14, 2008

Sun, August 02, 2009 11:33 AM

 Reply posted for Mariella.

Hi Mariella,

Sorry it took me so long to reply back to you.  It's been a couple of really tough days for me with this UC.  I have been in a lot of pain and running to the rest room a lot, which is never fun.

As you mentioned worry doesn't help things at all.  I have been really working on this, but some days are easier then others as you can well imagine.  I try to walk on the treadmill that my husband bought me, but I have been feel so tired that I do not have the engry to do that.  It takes all I can do to make it through my work day and then some things I need to do around the house and then I'm completly wore out. 

This morning it took a lot of engery for me to do some house work and then I was feeling really drained and tired. I may try and walk a little bit on the treadmill later, maybe it will help me sleep better tonight.

Hope you are having a better day and that your body is getting use to the Asacol. 

FPO smiles
Joined Oct 14, 2008

Sat, August 01, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for mbreslin.


Thank you for responding to my post.  I was having a really tough day it it was hard to even express myself or type words correctly.  Wish there was spell check.

Anyway I wanted to say thank you for the kind words.  I do think you are correct.  That maybe my diet is part of the problems I have been having.  I'm a comfort food eater and do not pay attention to what I'm eating, then I have to deal with the problems later, which aren't fun and the cramping is very uncomfortable.

Today has been a really good example of that.  I have made several trips to the rest room and it has been very painful.  I think the dinner I had last night didn't agree with me and I am having to deal with it today.  Some days it's so hard to deal with all of this stuff.  I'm trying really hard to be strong and no complain to my husband, but my body language kind of gives me a way.  Do you know what I mean?

Are you feeling better from your upper respiratory infection?  I hope so.  It takes a while to get over that, plus it really upsets your body.

Hope you feel better soon!!!

FPO smiles
Joined Oct 14, 2008

Fri, July 31, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Smiles.

Hi there, please know you are not alone in this journey! This web site has already helped me cope just to know I'm not alone.  I've found that paying very close attention to what I'm eating can make the difference in how I feel, cramping I mean and also reducing stress. I'm a mother of 2 and I work full time as an RN.  As I don't think I'm stressed out, obviously my body does.  I now have this upper respiratory infection for a month that won't go away and I'm having a flare of my UC.  So now, i'm out of work with the intention to rest and hopefully gain some control over this. the unfortunate thing is that we don't have much control, so treat yourself to some nice relax time!  good luck

FPO mbreslin
Joined Jul 13, 2009

Sun, July 26, 2009 5:34 PM

 Reply posted for Mariella.

just mentioned a smudge of blood on tissue. If that is from pushing too hard you might want to try and make BM's easier with Calmol 4 suppositories or a little aquaphor applied to the anal area. Just a thought.....

FPO mariella
Joined Oct 31, 2008

Sun, July 26, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Smiles.

Hi there. I hear you. I have Crohn's and I lately i feel like it's one thing or another. On top of the pain associated with the Crohn's I tend to get bad PMS symptoms so I have a hard time telling what is from what a lot of times so that confuses me when I think should I be eating differently for a flare or is it just PMS? On top of that I deal with chronic yeast infections and so my diet is altered again for that. Half the time I don't know what to eat and it is incredibly frustrating.

As for the meds, I am on Asacol as well. We are still waiting to see if it's really helping or not. GI dr told me to give it a few more weeks at full dose (6 pills). I have lab work to get done soon too.

I am not sure I have any answers for you, but I want you to know that you are not alone in all of this. There are so many others suffering as well with UC/Crohn's and I am beginning to try and take things one day at a time. I am a chronic worrier (which caught my attention in your ad) and I think this has a lot to do with symptoms. I am trying to learn ways to relax. I am looking into yoga right now. i have to do something. They say stress doesn't cause this, but I know it can only make it worse.

If you ever need to talk let me know. It's helpful to know you are not alone in this.

FPO mariella
Joined Oct 31, 2008

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