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I'm tired of Gaining Weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sun, August 02, 2009 6:26 PM

     I am nineteen years old and I have been diagnosed with UC since I was thirteen. I have had a least two flare up a year since 2003. I am currently having my second flare up this year. My first one was in March and I recovered pretty quickly. I gained about fifteen pounds and lost about ten of it before my next one in early June.  I kept putting off my visit to the doctor because I already knew the routine: 40-60 mg of Prednisone, possibly hospitalization, and one other medicine. In other words, a large appetite and a bunch of weight gain. I don't know if I've been through it all but I been through a lot. Only God knows how much more I will go through. I've had a blood count as low as a 5 (12 is normal for a body). Most of you know everything that comes a long with the disease. It's kinda like a commercial where they say, "call now and we'll add in 'this', 'this', and 'this'" lol!

This is extremely hard for me physically but most of all emotionally. I don't date because I have to run to the rest room so often. i don't like to wear shorts because I have stretch marks everywhere. I need to find someone my age who can go through this with me. I hate Ulcerative Colitis! It changed all my goals and dreams. I wanted to be a basketball player and I wanted to be in beauty pageant and be very fit. But with an irregular weight gain and digestive system, how can that be? .................................................................................................

(Sorry, I had a slight mental breakdown) Anyway. I'm going to college at University of Pheonix and I am working two and a half jobs to keep myself busy and keep my mind off of all my problems. Does anyone have a remedy to the weight gain? Some sort of exercise plan or diet? And is there anyone my age on this site?

FPO msjazelle08
Joined Aug 2, 2009

Mon, August 17, 2009 9:41 PM

 Reply posted for msjazelle08.

I know exactly how you fell!  I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2007, where my weight was at 105lbs.  I looked so sick and going to the bathroom like 10-15 times a day.  Two years later I weigh 150lbs and now have stretch marks as well.  I didnt even gain this much weight when I had my little girl, and then I didnt even get stretch marks.

What I can tell you is this, I have been with my fiance for a a couple of years and he was with me when I was at my lowest point and he is still right by my side.  There were times when I had to go to the bathroom or you know what would have happened!!  He was right there for me no matter what, right by my side when I was in the most pain.  OK, I guess my point is that you will find someone who will love you no matter what, when the right time comes.  I met him when I was 20 years old in College.  So, have fun while you are young and find things that inpower you.  You are strong, look at what you have gone through.

FPO jotto
Joined Aug 17, 2009

Fri, August 14, 2009 12:39 AM

 Reply posted for msjazelle08.


I know EXACTLY how you feel. I had just started college last fall and also started prednisone40 mg/ month, 30 mg/ month and then 20mg/ month..i was on prednisone for 9 months bc i could not get better and everytime i tried to get off of it, I became sicker. Finally after 9 months and alot of weight later, I was able to get off of it. I also have other medical things that work against me from losing weight.

I had to take the second semester of my freshman year off, when i came home my friends and family didnt and many still dont recognize me. I have nothing but strech marks and I worry I'll never get back to my normal weight. Its the worse feeling when someone doesnt recognize you, especially close friends.

Im about to start classes this fall and hopefully will stay in this remission for a while so i can get this weight off! IF you want we can email and chat more, it sounds like we could totally understand each other.


FPO collegecrohnie
Joined Mar 4, 2009

Fri, August 07, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for msjazelle08.

Hi. I am 24years old and was diagnosed with severe UC in May 2009. I dont know much abou any of this and I don't have any specific diet or exercise plans but I can say that I know what you are going through. This diease kinda messed up my life too.

When I was discharged from being in the hospital for 4days I was on 60mg of prednisone and I gained about 10lbs. I don't feel pretty anymore. I look in the mirror and want to just cry. I hate the way I look now. I use to work out all time and was in good shape. Now I look like a balloon and I am some what of an emotional mess every now and then.

 I just started to get myself back to the gym this week after 5 months. The only thing I know what to do is to eat healthy (which i know is sooooo hard being on this medication) and try to exercise, which i know is hard having this diease. Its not easy but we will get through this.

FPO ashley22
Joined May 18, 2009

Sun, August 02, 2009 8:26 PM

 Reply posted for EZ.


FPO msjazelle08
Joined Aug 2, 2009

Sun, August 02, 2009 8:17 PM

 Reply posted for EZ.

okay, thank you?

FPO msjazelle08
Joined Aug 2, 2009

Sun, August 02, 2009 7:53 PM

 Reply posted for msjazelle08.

My daugher will be 19 next month and was diagnosed with a moderate case of UC 3 months after she turned 16.  She had been on many meds including pred (predinsone).  She was on 40mg tapering off 5 mg a week.  Here's what the doctor said so she wouldn't gain weight while on pred.  Limit sodium to no more than 2,000 mg a day.  There is so much sodium in canned foods and frozen foods (read all the labels) so don't eat any canned or frozen foods, limit dairy since dairy has a lot of sodium also.  My daughter wrote everything she ate down  and also wrote the amount of sodium in the foods she ate.  She only gained 2 pounds.  She is currently on Azathiorpine and Lialda.  She also takes one Women's One a Day vitamin.  The doc said that vitamin has the most calcium.  She also takes a probiotic called Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion.  She was in a flare up and the probiotic has helped her so much.  She also watches her diet:  no sodas, no caffine, no processed foods, hardly any dairy, no junk food.  Her new IBD specialist said lots of UC patients have "bacteria overgrowth" and the probiotic really helps. 

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

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