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Menstrual cycle and Crohn's symptoms.

Fri, August 14, 2009 12:00 AM

Hi, my symtoms seem to get a lot worse around the time of ovulation & then again at onset of menstruation. The pain gets a lot more severe, as does the fatigue & the frequency of bathroom visits.

Has anybody else experienced this? I'm medicated to the roof with steroids & pentasa and although I'm so much better than I was ten months ago, I can't seem to get into remission.

Thanks in anticipation.

FPO marzipan
Joined Feb 16, 2009

Wed, September 14, 2022 8:03 AM

Reply posted for binkies.

The menstrual cycle is a very dangerous disease and they also attached to a child's life. My child also faces these diseases and I pointed to the best doctor on dl speed calculator. They also give a benefice medicine for my kid and after some days kid is good and healthy.

FPO jemijonson12
Joined Sep 14, 2022

Wed, February 06, 2019 12:21 AM

Reply posted for adi989.

I also have the same condition but as i heard that it is because Crohn's disease in women. Well, you can check out about menstrual cycle at my blog

FPO adi989
Joined Feb 5, 2019

Thu, October 15, 2009 8:57 PM

 Reply posted for marzipan.

I can so relate to your dilemma.  I have the same issue.  My GI (who is female and quite sympathetic to the problem) stated it was due to the fluctuation in hormones and may also be due to the added pressure that swelling and bloating secondary to having a period may cause.  From my research, there isn't a good "cure".  I take probiotics daily and this has helped minimize the symptoms....not sure if this is a coincidence or not.

FPO txslp
Joined Oct 15, 2009

Thu, October 08, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for marzipan.

I have always experienced the same thing.  Horrible periods and pain during ovulation.  As my most recent Crohn's flare started to take place, my periods became more intense, a lot more bleeding.  Since I am finished making babies, I decided to have a procedure called Novasure.  It basically is a permanent DNC....I burned the lining of the uterus so even though I can "get pregnant" I can't retain a pregnancy.  Subsequently, I no longer bleed...I still ovulate but no more cramping or bleeding.  This has significantly helped the Crohn's and vice-versa.  It was covered by insurance.

FPO carebear
Joined Oct 8, 2009

Mon, September 28, 2009 7:23 PM

 Reply posted for jango.

You are NOT suppose to take ibuprofen or any other anti-inflamatory!!!!!!! This will cause a flare all by itself. Your doctor should have told you that.

FPO jillgoff
Joined Sep 28, 2009

Fri, September 18, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for marzipan.

 I'm the same way I've tried talking to my docs but i'm beginging to think that they dont belive me or just the fact that their men and dont understand, what we go through . The first couple of days of my period I cant do anything .Sometimes the cramps are so bad its worse than labor pains. Ive tried many different pain pills and it still doesnt help. Sometimes a heating pad lessens the pain some to where I can do things around the house. I also have alot more trips to the bathroom also about two days before I start. My doc suggested birth control pills but they make me throw up I tried that about ten years ago after my kids were born. If ya'll come up with more ideas to help letus know.

FPO ladytrucker709
Joined Sep 1, 2009

Mon, August 31, 2009 4:29 PM

 Reply posted for marzipan.

I have crohns and usually have more problems during my period as well.  I read a question/answer article in Prevention Magazine one time about dirarhea during a period.  I don't remember the specifics but during a period some hormones are released that can cause some problems in the intestines.  The doctor answering the question suggested taking ibuprophen.  I don't remember why its supposed to help, but it does help me.  I usually start taking one tablet every 6-8  hours a day or two before my period starts.  And increase to one every 4-6 hours when it starts. 

I'm currently not taking any meds for the crohns, so I don't know if the ibuprophen could interfer with prescriptions.

Hope that helps.

FPO jango
Joined Aug 31, 2009

Wed, August 26, 2009 10:58 PM

 Reply posted for marzipan.

Hey yall,

I have experienced the same issues with my crohn's being worse during menstration. I was on steroids (entocort and prednisone) along with lialda for about 8 months- from the time of my diagnosis until this past May. I was seeing a GI near my hometown for a while, and he never took me off steroids. During this time I experienced horrible periods to the point where I could barely function. Sometimes I wouldn't even have one because I was so tiny- but the cramps and crohn's symptoms were always worse around that time. In May, I went to Mayo clinic in Jacksonville, FL and began to see the GI there. He put me on imuran...perhaps if you have not gone into remission, you may want to consider an immunomodulator or bio therapy. Since I have taken imuran, I am in remission and my periods are still weird (sometimes i have them and sometimes i just spot,) but the crohn's symptoms are limited to none even during my period now. Talk to your doctor about possible options- long term steroid use is wearing on your emotional and physical state; however, there are also risks associated with immunomodulators and bio therapies. My best advice is to do your own research about the various medications for crohn's- but only visit websites that are accurate (i.e. ccfa,) because some sites are not trustworthy. I feel your pain, my periods used to put me in bed for days (with plenty of crawling to the bathroom trips.) Please feel free to ask me anything, I am happy and open to share any info. I pray that you find a more suitable option! Take care.

With Best Wishes-


FPO emma1105
Joined Aug 26, 2009

Sat, August 15, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for marzipan.

i'm the same.  i'm always in the bathroom more when i'm on my period.  it's awful.

FPO binkies
Joined Jul 15, 2009

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