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pregnancy and imuran update

Fri, August 21, 2009 2:19 PM

hey y'all---

i posted a while back about wanting to get pregnant, but worrying about the fact that i'm on imuran and humira.

my ob-gyn and rheumatologist strongly discouraged me from getting pregnant b/c of the imuran (FDA labeled it a class D drug, high risk of birth defects).

HOWEVER, all the docs in my gastroenterology group said that it is more important for my crohn's to be in remission than to worry about the imuran. they said having a flare or out-of-control crohns during pregnancy would be worse than the possible effects of the imuran.

SO...i am seeking the advice of a high-risk OB-GYN, because at this point I don't know who to trust. However, the high-risk OB-GYN is very difficult to see---first they said i needed a referral to see her, then they said i needed to be pregnant (hello! don't even know if i CAN safely get pregnant!), and finally they said if i called on Sept. 1 they could see me sometime in October....

So I'm holding out hope that maybe, one day, we can have a baby. Otherwise, we still have plan B, adoption, which will be okay too.

Is anyone else going through this -- trying to figure out if it's safe to get pregnant? There are just so few sources to turn to, and no medical professional will be totally forthcoming with me. I just want a yes or no, so I know which path we should take!!

FPO joymc84
Joined Jun 17, 2008

Wed, September 16, 2009 12:42 PM

 Reply posted for Writer14.

I had my first child in 2000. I did not take any medication during the pregnancy for the Crohn's because I was worried about what it would do to my baby. I did okay with the pregnancy and everything went well. However, after I had my baby I became very sick. About 9 moths later I practically bled to death. My Crohn's was out of control and I had to be hospitalized, given 3 blood tranfusions, and then 18 weeks of iron infusions. I was on so many steroids to try to recover that I was 375 lbs. and developed an irregular heart beat (Atrial Fibrullation).

My second child was born in 2005. I was on Immuran throughout the pregnancy. My regular OB-GYN refused to care for me, and I was sent to high risk doctors. I was taken very good care of. I had to do more ultrasounds than usual, and had to have non-stress tests done, but everything turned out fine. I did flare up after this pregnancy as well, but nothing compared to the first time.

Both of my children are fine. In my opinion, it is better to stay on the Immuran.  

FPO chelle
Joined Aug 13, 2008

Fri, August 28, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Writer14.

thanks for your replies, writer and malgosia!

it is helpful to know that others are going through the same situation!

i am in southwest alabama, so i won't be consulting with doctors in NY, but i am relieved to know that someone else is willing to walk on faith and get pregnant while on imuran.

i am just going to wait and see what the high-risk OBGYN says, since she would be taking care of me if i did get pregnant. if she thinks i have a reasonably good chance of delivering a healthy baby, we will go for it!

don't think i'm crazy, but i keep having these dreams about beautiful babies, and i'm wondering if God is trying to tell me that one day, we will have a beautiful, healthy baby to love! :)

FPO joymc84
Joined Jun 17, 2008

Sun, August 23, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for joymc84.

I too want to get pregnant & am on imuran.  Four years ago I went into remission & got off of imuran.  I had an awesome pregnancy.  After I had my son, I find it very difficult to stay in remission.  I spoke to my gastro about getting pregnant & he told me to stay on the imuran.  I trust my doctor & I have been with him for 8 years.  He referred me to a friend who specializes in colitis.  He too told me I could get pregnant on imuran.  However, things did not work out with him.  I found a female doctor in Manhattan, who works for Mount Sinai & specializes in colitis.  She was awesome & she too told me to stay on imuran.  I spoke to my OBGYN & she said as far as she knows you can not get pregnant on imuran.  I did some research on the internet & found some articles stating you can get pregnant on imuran.  Its very confusing & sad that different doctors tell you different things. 

My husband & I have decided to try & get pregnant while on imuran.  I wasn't sure at first, but after speaking to the female gastro & after many prayers, I feel better about our decision. We have been trying for two months & so far nothing.  So I am hoping next month, it will happen.  If you live in the New York area, I would be happy to recommend the female doctor.  Good luck.  I hope everything works out for you.

FPO malgosia77
Joined Jul 9, 2008

Sat, August 22, 2009 9:44 AM

 Reply posted for joymc84.

Although I can't answer your question, I know how hard it is to find good care. I am 10 weeks pregnant, and my OB is not even concerned about my having crohn's at all. I had to take it upon myself to go to my family Dr. and have them run blood tests for my history of Anemia, because the OB didn't feel that we needed to check it until my 12 week appointment, and I was very low on iron! It's hard enough with "normal" pregnancy worries, and we have so much more on top of that to think about! We just have to remember how strong we are. Best of luck to you.

FPO writer14
Joined Jun 18, 2009

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