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Mesalamine causing problems in breastfeeding baby

Sat, September 26, 2009 12:00 AM

Hi.  I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's.  

I have a 6 mo old baby that is breastfeeding.  Since starting Mesalamine he has had horrible gas and is having difficulty sleeping because he wakes every 1-2 hours with gas pain.  I stopped taking the Mesalamine for a day or so just to see what would happened and his symptoms cleared up immediately- no more gas, sleeping peacefully for over 4 hours at night.

All the literature I have come accross states that Mesalamine is considered safe while breastfeeding, but that one should watch for GI side effects in the nursing baby (which seems to be what my baby is experiencing). 

I am new to this disease and was wondering if anyone might be able to suggest some alternatives to mesalamine.  Is it possible to discontinue this medication or do you need to stay on it forever (like a form of maintenance therapy)?


FPO beaglelover72
Joined Sep 26, 2009

Tue, September 29, 2009 10:09 AM

 Reply posted for beaglelover72.

Glad to hear all is well.    A sleeping baby is a happy mommy.

God Bless


FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Mon, September 28, 2009 4:26 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

Turns out it's not the Asacol causing the problems.  It is Acid Reflux. 

I have been working with the pediatrians on this for 2 weeks now, and I think we finally have it down.

I went back on the Asacol and we discontinued his Zantac- he did horribly- now back on the Zantac, and he is doing great (and I am still on Asacol).  The pediatrician added in some Maalox for his gas and the reflux.  He slept beautifully last night, and is napping peacefully now.  Yes, the gas drops are wonderful!  Thank you!

FPO beaglelover72
Joined Sep 26, 2009

Mon, September 28, 2009 3:52 PM

 Reply posted for beaglelover72.

Though not a breastfeeding Mom, my daughter is going to be 10 and has been a CD patient for most of her life.  

I understand both your desire to continue breastfeeding and the problems with a gas-filled baby.   I was wondering if you would consider giving your little one a dose of gas drops after you nurse, before putting to bed at night?   It may be a way to have the best of both worlds.

Wishing you my best

 Lizzie's Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Sun, September 27, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for beaglelover72.

I would trust your Mommy instincts, you know your baby best.  I would say that if you feel it's affecting your baby's system, it probably is.  My first two children were breastfeed for a year, and Will was only breastfeed for 2 months when I switched to formula.  I felt so guilty for not nursing him an entire year, but he did great.  He is not sick anymore than my other two were as babies.  In the end, you have to do what's best for you and your little one.  Have you tried going off the medication ( I am on it for maintenance reasons, although it's not really working )?  You could try to go off of the meds and see if you are in remission, you will know if you're not quickly, as you will flare.  I feel for you, good luck!

FPO momofthree
Joined Nov 10, 2008

Sun, September 27, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for momofthree.

Thank you so much for your reply.  My pediatrician did not have an issue with it.  Actually I spoke with 3 pediatricians in the practice, all of them gave it a thumbs up.  Go figure!  I also consulted Thomas Hale, PhD- he is a pharmacologist down in Texas who has done the most extensive amount of research on medications and breastfeeding.  His book is called Medications and Mother's Milk- and he says it's safe during breastfeeding too.  That's what had me so confused, everyone was telling me it shouldn't be a problem- that it couldn't possibly be causing difficulties with the baby, but it sure seems to me like it IS causing GI upset in my baby.  I am going to call my GI doc and my midwife tomorrow- see if there is something else I can take, or perhaps go off of it altogether.  The literature I have read suggests it isn't really that helpful at preventing a flare in Crohn's, but is much more useful for UC.   Thank you again.

FPO beaglelover72
Joined Sep 26, 2009

Sun, September 27, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for beaglelover72.

I was strongly advised by my pediatrician not to breastfeed while on mesalamine, I was on Pentasa.  I stopped my medication about a week before I had the baby, as I wanted to breastfeed as long as possible.  I was only able to go 2 months before I had to go back on the meds to control my flares.  Sorry, I don't have any advice for you.  I would suggest you consult with your pediatrician.   

FPO momofthree
Joined Nov 10, 2008

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