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Near-constant yeast infection symptoms - can anyone relate?

Wed, October 21, 2009 10:51 AM

I was diagnosed with Crohns in March and have been on Pentasa since that time (in addition to Entocort which Im off of now).  Over the last 3-4 months, Ive been having what I can best describe as mild yeast-infection symptoms pretty much constantly.  Ive never had a yeast infection, but the itching I am experiencing is very similar to yeast infection symptoms.  I took some over-the-counter treatment for the itching (Vagisil, etc), and it went away for a couple days but came back.  So I dont think this is a true yeast infection, but I dont know what is causing these symptoms.  Im also not sexually active and am not prone to yeast infections, both of which also lead me to believe that this is not a yeast infection.  Im wondering if this is a side effect of the Pentasa or if this is a different infection that has been sticking around because maybe my immune system is compromised from the Crohns.  Has anyone else had these symptoms?  If so, what do you think causes them?  I havent talked to my OBGYN about this yet because I dont think shes going to be very helpful.  Any advice is greatly appreciated!!  

FPO cstinap
Joined Oct 20, 2009

Sun, November 29, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for cstinap.

Don't worry its not just you. I get very itchy for extened periods from time to time. I'm not taking the meds you are though. I would love to understand why this is happening too! And I'm glad ,not that its happening to you but, that its not just me having this happen.

FPO girlwthgoals
Joined Mar 13, 2009

Sat, November 14, 2009 1:20 AM

 Reply posted for cstinap.

I was diagnosed with Crohns around 05-06 and have had several vaginal issues that I didnt associate directly to my intestinal/perirectal symptoms until recently. Im now almost 25 and have had yeast infection symptoms on and off (more so on..) since I was 19. All of the medications for yeast infections just kinda kept the worst of it at bay but never really got rid of the itch or discharge. Ive gotten used to it, which is ridiculous to think about, and just take those symptoms in to account like I do my intestinal problems. But recently, Ive started to put together a theory that since my Crohns is pretty limited to my colon, perirectal area, and groin(abcesses), that all of that inflammation has spread to inside and is the cause of my overly sensitive vaginal area. I have let my vaginal symptoms go on for so long now that Im starting to see symptoms that are frequently attributed to a rectovaginal fistula. 

Im working on having another colonoscopy to check that out, but in the mean time Ive been doing several non-medication tricks that I feel are helping (placebo? who cares, if its actually helping?). Ive started eating Activia, drinking only water, cleaning my exterior genital region with Bactine as needed and every time I take a bath (which is every morning). I used to only shower because I thought that baths would make the yeast infection worse. But a bath every morning when I wake up has helped the most out of everything, including Remicade and Imuran. It helps calm down all the exterior inflammation (redness, itch, edema, abcesses, diaper rash like irritation, etc). The superficial relief of the hot bath and Bactine rinse makes it so I dont scratch near as often, which in turn stops the aggravation of already sensitive inflamed skin. 

I hope this helped some... theres plenty I havent shared so feel free to ask any questions you may have. Just keep smiling... it could always be worse. :)

FPO kfhendrix
Joined Nov 13, 2009

Sun, November 01, 2009 6:07 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

i've been diagnosed for about 4 months now. needless to say this year has been *** . but i've also notice that since i've had crohn's i've been getting yeast infrection and uti's alot. i don't know how to prevent it but just letting you know your not alone.

FPO lovinyou719
Joined Jun 14, 2009

Wed, October 21, 2009 8:31 PM

 Reply posted for cstinap.

I think your obgyn can be very helpful.   They can do a culture and find out what is brewing.  

In the meantime, try eating a yogurt (with live cultures) a day and see if that helps.

Good Luck

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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