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Fri, November 13, 2009 1:02 AM

Has anyone heard if Crohn's can cause early menopause?  I'm 33 and swear I'm having hot flashes.  I've had physicals and been told that everything is "normal".  I take my temp regularly and it's always within normal ranges.  I don't think it's my meds as I've been on them several months and this is a new development for me!

FPO watergirl76
Joined Jul 23, 2009

Sun, January 03, 2010 8:36 PM

 Reply posted for watergirl76.

Before you go through menopause you go through "peri" menopause. At that time you may get more "flashes" and your menstrual cycle can get either longer or shorter or your flow may change. I started my "peri" menopause in my thirties and went through menopause at 50. Since your hormone levels change a bit during the course of the day and you may not have a permanent drop during peri menopause, you may not know.

Since soy agrees with me, I eat a lot of it, soy burgers, granuels, tofu etc and I noticed that the flashes are much less and I don't wake up with the sweats, unless in a flare. Some Crohnies can't eat soy so I can't say for you, but I know it helps me.

The problem is crohn's can give you fevers (peri menopause won't you just get flushed and feel hot, then chilly) which can be mistaken for flashes. I also get flashes on a regular basis still and I don't know if it's related to the Crohn's or not. Maybe that didn't help.

FPO titan1
Joined Sep 1, 2008

Sun, November 22, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for watergirl76.

Again, I started having these after my diagnosis (Crohn's).  Every time I went to see my doc and they drew blood, I made them check my hormone levels, I knew I was starting menopause.  Every time, the results came back normal.  I used to sleep at night (in the winter months) with two blankets on me, I would be so cold.  Now, I only use a lightweight blanket. 

Know you aren't the only one!

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009

Sun, November 15, 2009 10:06 PM

 Reply posted for chas7999.

My mom had a hysterectomy when she was 48 which started hers.  She hadn't experienced any symptoms previous to that I don't think.  I have some of the weirdest symptoms which I assume are all associated with Crohn's...but who really knows for sure!

FPO watergirl76
Joined Jul 23, 2009

Fri, November 13, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for watergirl76.

I haven't particulary heard that, but who know's this disease changes everything and is different from person to person, and I believe in general just makes doctors think were crazy !  What was your mother's age when she began menopause?  That's supposed to be the number one predictor of when her daughter's should expect to start menopause (same thing goes for starting periods).  Good luck, hot flashes make you feel pretty rough, I had them when I took a medicine called clomid-for infertility-I gained a new empathy for menopausal women!

FPO chas7999
Joined Oct 1, 2009

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