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Amidala-I got a question for you

Wed, January 06, 2010 1:00 AM

I understand you tried to conceive while you were in remission.  I thought that if you were in remission when you conceive, you would stay in remission-how did you go from being in remission and then flaring during your pregnancy?  What is the point in trying to conceive while in remission versus having a flare up? Sounds like you might flare regardless.

FPO durango18
Joined Sep 24, 2008

Mon, March 08, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Amidala.


Just found out that I am pregnant-I am about 5 weeks with a mild flare.  I was in remission before I got pregnant though.  I do not have the urgency to use the restroom, but stool is a little loose, and streaks of blood maybe once a day-would you call that a bad flare?  I am currently taking Apriso and I am worried that taking any meds will harm the baby.  Do you have any advice for me with being pregnant with a flare in UC?  When I see blood in the stool from the poop (sorry), I get so worried about is the baby ok, can he feel me straining to use the restroom, is the meds harming him, and etc.....I am just trying to keep the faith-my first ultrasound is 3/22-so once I hear the first heartbeat, I will be somewhat relieved.


FPO durango18
Joined Sep 24, 2008

Thu, January 07, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Amidala.

It is so frustrating because we would like to conceive but I am in a flare up stage and having a hard time getting into remission.  Is there any particular diet or website that you can refer me to so that I can eat healthy while trying to conceive.  I want to have my baby in the best situation possible and that is the plans-thanks for the advice Amidala.

FPO durango18
Joined Sep 24, 2008

Wed, January 06, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for durango18.

There is always a slim posibility of flaring during pregnancy, and it is even smaller if you concieve while in remission.

I have had a very agressive UC for 8 years, I have been on remission only for a year during that process so maybe due to the severity of my particular case is that I did flare...

Just try to have the best environment for your baby. Get your body in shape. I didn´t flare ´till the 14th week so the first trimester, the most important for the babie's development, I was able to be only on mesalazine supositories, eat well and stay healthy for my baby.

And remember that there is a BIG chance that you won´t flare if you concieve during remission. Talk to your GI. I believe that I would have never conceived have I not been in remission. I had to be on 6MP for 5 years prior to that cause I couldn´t stop I had to wait for the best time for me and my baby.

Hope I helped


FPO amidala
Joined Apr 22, 2008

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