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my period.

Wed, January 06, 2010 1:00 AM

while i am on my period, my stomach hurts more than it ever does.  Way before this disease, i never really had cramps, and neither are these, due to the location of the pain.  The pain is higher than regular cramps.  and i am sure it is my stomach.  but it is unbarable.  this only occurs when i am on my period, because i am technically in remisssion. however the week i am on my period, the pain is so bad, i cannot move.  i do have the runs while on my period, but when i am not on my period, it is formed and regular.  on my period, i get hotflashes and nearly faint while on my period.  i guess, i am just writing this to see if anyone else has problems while on their period...

FPO kg
Joined Nov 13, 2008

Wed, March 03, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for kg.

Update  I have had the thermachoice surgery to slow down my periods I had it about two months ago and it has helped out alot with the cramping,and it has slowed down the flow alot and i only have my period now for two days. so far it has helped out alot . It was a 30 min surgery and I was a little sore afterward but fine the next day .

FPO ladytrucker709
Joined Sep 1, 2009

Sat, February 27, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for aaprils.

I have UC and it always gets worse around and during my period. My doctors don't seem to even recognize the connection. I have been having flares for over 6 years now, nothing is working, I'm in constant pain, when things do seem to get a little better, my period seems to always start me back at square one. 

FPO holly0329
Joined Feb 27, 2010

Fri, February 12, 2010 9:51 PM

 Reply posted for christina.

I also had severe lower left pain around my period.  When my Crohn's acts up, it's always lower left.  Anyways, I was bounced around like a ping pong ball between my primary care physician and my GI doctor (both of whom told me it was not their terrritory).  After 9 months of this, it all came to a boil when I went to see my gynecologist.  As it turns out, I had a very large uterine fibroid and had it removed.  That didn't solve the lower left pain problem so I kept hounding my gynecologist for an answer; she is one of those rare doctors who truly listens to you instead of thinking how many patients she can pack into her day.  She told me that several Crohn's patients experience semi-flares of the Crohn's during their period due to hormonal fluctuations.  What I have learned from this experience is that you have to be "bitchy" to get your problems solved.  I hope that you get your problem solved.  Please keep us updated on Thermachoice; it sounds like something I might be interested in.  Thank you.

FPO christina
Joined Jul 13, 2008

Thu, February 11, 2010 9:21 PM

 Reply posted for kg.

Thank goodness and I'm sorry that we're all in this same boat.  But, I mean, "thank goodness" because my gastro has been making me feel like I'm some odd duck with the experiences I have had since being diagnosed.

I have heard of the Uterine Ablation, if that's the same as "Thermachoice."  My ob/gyn and I talked about it 3-4 years ago prior to my diagnosis and I was not a good candidate for it.  He put me on birth control that helped get me regulated and all was well.  But, now that I have "Ulcerative Colitis - Undetermined" my birth control put me WAAAY out of whack!  I would get my period for about 2 weeks and bleed heavily the entire time.  And then my period would go away for about 8 days and I'd start all over again.  But, the worst part was that while menstruating, I would have piercing pains (not cramping) directly in my "lower left quadrant" - anybody picking up on this???  And NOTHING would make them better or go away.

Now, that I've mentioned "lower left quadrant" you may recognize that this is where the actual end of the colon is and so there HAS to be a connection, even if my idiot gastro (I'm changing docs) doesn't recognize the connection!

Hang in there girls!  I'm there with ya' and I'm going to get in to see my ob/gyn within the next 2 weeks.  He is an aggressive doctor by nature and is much more capable of helping me than simply tossing me another prescription.  I'll update you when I have more news.

FPO ibdmomof3
Joined Mar 31, 2008

Wed, February 10, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for kg.

I also have the same problem.  During my last visit to the gynecologist, I had such unbearable pain and diarrhea while I was waiting for her that I just broke down.  The doctor told me that it has to due with hormonal fluctuations.  She gave me a prescription for necon (oral contraceptive) to control my periods.  I take them continously with a break every three months.  I have been doing this for about a year now and I find that the cramps during the time I am supposed to get my period (while on the necon) are tiny.  When I do get my period, the cramps can sometimes get worse, but nothing like before.  Hope this info helps somebody.

FPO christina
Joined Jul 13, 2008

Thu, February 04, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for kg.

I too have Crohns and also have HORRIBLE cramps, moodiness, and more frequent loose stools...even when I'm not flaring.  Knocks me out the first 2 days.  Crohn's has nothing to do with hormones, but Prednisone does, and I notice it's far worse when I'm on that demon drug.  Thankfully I have a script for Percocet, so I'll take those when it's too much to handle.  Good luck!

FPO nomoredoubt1
Joined Nov 3, 2009

Mon, January 18, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for kg.

According to my gastro it is quite normal to have these excruciating pains during your period if you have CD.  Normal or not they suck.  They put me in bed for a couple of days and I am sorry but pamprin and stuff like that doesnt touch it.  I usually have to take lortab during this time just to get through it.  I am all for the surgery that will stop or slow down the period but will it honestly help with the pain.  I thought last week I was tailspinning into a severe flair then the next day or so I started and the pain let up.  It just doesnt make sense.  There has to be something they can do for us other than pain pills.  Surely there must be some women researchers out there who can look into this for us lol.  Good luck to everyone and hey to the poster about the surgery let us all know how that goes if you do it. 

FPO kimhg
Joined Mar 21, 2008

Mon, January 11, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for kg.

I totally concur, my crohn's pain ALWAYS gets worse with my period.  I had bad cramps before I got crohn's but now it's almost unbearable!  I found that using thermacare heat patches helps, but if you get hot flashes it's probly not a good idea.  Why does being a woman have to suck so much!?  lol.   well, I hope you find something that helps. 

FPO angellovve
Joined Nov 10, 2009

Sun, January 10, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for kg.

I have the same problem also. I HATE getting cramps. I too feel that it is very painful and unbarable.  I have been diagnosed with Crohn's disease since 2003 as I get older my cramps gets worse. There are times that my cramps gets so bad that I kneel on the floor and pray for the cramps to go away. This year I have to go to my OB/GYN to talk to him about this issue-maybe he will prescribe me with something.

FPO mattison30
Joined Jul 9, 2008

Sun, January 10, 2010 8:17 AM

 Reply posted for kg.

I too have problems with my crohns just before and during my period . The trips to the bathroom increase a few days before it starts and I get really bad cramping during my period and I get extremely moody to the point if you look at me wrong I will bite your head off . I recently went to my gyno for my yearly and brought this up to him and he ran a few tests to make sure my hormones are the way they should be and he also did a ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. He then suggested a surgery that stops or slows down the period so im really thinking about doing that  or a hystorectomy depending on what my ins will pay for .The surgery is called Thermachoice if any of you want to ask your doctor about this.


FPO ladytrucker709
Joined Sep 1, 2009

Sat, January 09, 2010 5:41 PM

 Reply posted for kg.

For me the week before my period is ALWAYS really bad on my Crohn's! Whether in a flare or not, I get bad cramping, and other symptoms...  I always wonder why, buy my doc has no explanation for it. He says Crohn's doesn't have anything to do with hormones... I beg to differ!! Lol!

FPO aaprils
Joined Dec 24, 2009

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