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Pregnancy and Crohn's

Fri, January 08, 2010 12:31 PM

Hi-  I just wanted some opinions because I am feeling frustrated and unheard by my doctors.  Here's how my story goes, when I was 22 (6 yrs ago) I started having diarrhea and weight loss, got referred to a GI doctor, got a colonoscopy, diagnosed with Crohn's (the doctor wasn't nice), found a new doctor, symptoms stopped without meds, moved to a new state, last year had severe pain when sitting, doctor ran scope, nothing found, abscess formed in my leg, have been to 8 different doctors and no one seems to know how to heal it, my GI doctor wants to put me on more meds (currently taking Cipro) to try and heal my leg.  So that is the VERY short version of it,  I still have an abscess in the crease of my leg that is not healing (it has been there for 7 months) and GI doctors, multiple OBGYNs and specialized dermatologists have no idea what it is (they have run cultures nothing unusual came back).

The reason I explained all of that is that my husband and I had planned on having a baby last year.  Obviously, I was told to wait because of my leg.  Now my doctor wants me to be on Immunomodulators, I am not sure what kind, I have an appointment soon, but I am concerned about being put on meds now.  The only thing we can't seem to get a handle on is the abscess in the crease of my leg.  I have no other symptoms currently.  I keep hearing wait to get pregnant, but no one can seem to come up with a solution to fix the abscess.

I would just like advice or other people's stories because at this point I am very frustrated, worried that I won't have children and depressed about the whole situation. 

Thanks for reading this

FPO dzna
Joined Jan 8, 2010

Mon, January 11, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for dzna.

I am a mom of 2.  My youngest is 10 and was diagnosed at age 4 with CD.   I think you should be in the very, very best shape possible, physically and emotionally before trying to get pregnant.  The better condition you are in before can weigh heavily as to the type of pregnancy, delivery and recovery you have.

Have you thought about consulting with a wound care specialist?   They may be able to shed some light on the abscess and hopefully be able to not only properly diagnose, but also heal.   If it is one thing I know from being a mom is this......the moment that baby comes into this world, you are no longer a priority.   That being said, try getting yourself healed before baby.   This way you will be able to enjoy your newborn and not have to deal with the abscess too!

I wish you all the best.

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Sat, January 09, 2010 5:38 PM

 Reply posted for dzna.

I was diagnosed w/ Crohn's when I was 18... had flares off and on for a few years, and then it seemed to go away completely. Then, when I was 25, I got pregnant, and my Crohn's flared up.  I went on a few medications that are considered "safe" for pregnancy (asacol, and prednisone). My Crohn's continued to flare for the next two years. When I got pregnant again, a year after having my first daughter, my Crohn's was really bad. My GI doc had me stay on mercaptopurine (6mp), prednisone, and asacol throughout my pregnancy. The way the doctor put it was this... some of the drugs aren't great to be on when pregnant, but having a bad flare of Crohn's durning pregnancy is much more dangerous to the baby then the medications are... So, when you think of it that way, the medications are probably more beneficial than harmful. Both of my girls came out just fine, completely normal, no scares, except for that they were both a few weeks early (which can be caused by Crohn's).   I hope all gets better for you, and your leg!  ;)

FPO aaprils
Joined Dec 24, 2009

Sat, January 09, 2010 5:19 PM

 Reply posted for dzna.

Interesting that they want to put you on immunosuppressants considering being pregnant suppresses your immune system naturally.

I have Crohn's disease, am currently on Remicade (for years now), am 10 weeks pregnant.  My doctor (GI and OB) did not want me on Imuran (immunosuppressant) while pregnant or trying to concieve.  However, on another section of the women's issues boards a woman mentioned she just recently gave birth to a healthy baby and was on Imuran during her pregnancy.  Sounds like it comes down to doctor's preference.

Find a doctor that you feel confident with and stick with him/her.  I have had several strange things that my doctors are baffled by but I stick with my docs because they are willing to refer me to specialists (infectious disease) and I feel confident in their abilities.

Hang in there!

FPO faith0611
Joined Jan 9, 2010

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