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Pregnant w/ UC flare what am I in for?

Wed, January 20, 2010 12:57 PM

I was just diagnosed and I am 20 weeks pregnant what am I in for? I also have severe anemia and I can barely eat:( Are we talking preterm labor, a normal pregnancy, meds while pregnant etc...  There is so much info our there but I can't  seem to find much for pregnancy and UC. My Ob said we will do monthly ultrasounds because of my lack of food and weight loss but I won;t see my GI til Friday. Can you take meds while pregnant and is it safe?



FPO martinimom
Joined Jan 20, 2010

Sun, January 31, 2010 11:52 PM

 Reply posted for martinimom.

I have UC which was under control with med.s before I got pregnant, but I still flared during pregnancy with both of my children.  Both times we were able to get the flares under control with med.s fairly quickly and there was no ill effect to the babies.  (Both were born healthy at full term.)

I do remember with my first pregnancy being so anemic between morning sickness and active UC that I was in pretty bad shape, but once I started on the prednisone (and the morning sickness went away at the same time), I was back to myself.

Between the two pregnancies I've been on Asacol, Prednisone, 6MP, Rowasa, and Canasa during pregnancy.  

I hope that helps.  Good luck!

FPO ds mom
Joined Oct 23, 2008

Wed, January 27, 2010 9:20 PM

 Reply posted for martinimom.

Hi, congrats on your pregnancy. There is hope. I have UC and I´m also pregnant, and have had a flare since  week 14. My doctors told me about the risk of having a pre term delivery, so I have been resting a lot . I am actually on my 34th week!!!! and I feel like we are going to make it through the whole 40 wks.

I am currently taking mesalazine. It is my understanding that there is no risk for the baby and that you can also breastfeed while on it. But be sure to talk to your GI and of course with your high risk OBGYN.

I have been blessed with an experienced OBGYN that knows about my condition and is in touch with my GI.

Concentrate on nurishing your body. I have not gained but 700grms(about 1 pound)  in my whole pregnancy but my baby is growing accordingly. I am very skinny right now but with a big belly.

Hope this can orient you a little and that you get on remission soon. Keep your hopes up and know that even if this is a difficult pregnancy it can be a very beautiful experience.

FPO amidala
Joined Apr 22, 2008

Fri, January 22, 2010 8:14 AM

 Reply posted for martinimom.

You are right. There is very little out there on pregnancy and UC. I also flared at 20 weeks and had no idea what was safe and what wasnt. My GI and OB assured me that Pentasa was safe. I took the maximum dosage for the remainder of my pregnancy and had a very healthy little boy (now 16 months)!

You cannot, however, breastfeed while taking Pentasa. It seeps into the breastmilk and I was told the only alternative would be steroids. By the time my son was born I felt healthy enough to stop all medication and breastfed for 7 months until I needed to go back on Pentasa.

I have had a friend that took steroids throughout three of her pregnancies as well, and all went great.

There have been so many women with active UC and Chron's that have had great pregnancies and healthy babies. Fear not, it is not the end of the world!

FPO natyous
Joined Jan 22, 2010

Wed, January 20, 2010 4:39 PM

 Reply posted for martinimom.


I have been living with UC for almost 6yrs and I am in the process of trying to conceive.  It is a blessing that you are pregnant, by the way congrats.  I have had some concerns about being pregnant and flaring with UC so I asked some of my buddies and you would be surprised with all of the success story of women being pregnant with UC-please go check out this site and search through the forum, trust me-you will find some relief and answers.  www.

FPO durango18
Joined Sep 24, 2008

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