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Getting pregnant with UC and Crohn

Thu, May 27, 2010 12:00 AM


I was just diagnosed with colitis and Crohn, they told me I have a little bit of both. My question is can you still get pregnant having UC and CD?

FPO magipl
Joined May 27, 2010

Wed, June 23, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for canabo.


I have been on and off Imuran for the last 10 years. My doc just recently took me off of Imuran because we are currently trying to get pregnant. So far I haven't had any issues. But I'm starting to bloat more when I eat and my energy level is down. I have my fingers crossed.

Good luck to you! :-)

FPO hesaves
Joined Nov 30, 2009

Thu, June 17, 2010 2:46 PM

 Reply posted for Amidala.

I've had UC for 8 years.  I take Imuran and have been in remission for over 3 years w/ little to no flare ups.  I would like to get pregnant in the near future, but am afraid to be on Imuran when i am pregnant.  Does anyone know how dangerous it is to be on it while pregnant?

FPO canabo
Joined Jun 17, 2010

Mon, June 14, 2010 4:13 PM

 Reply posted for Amidala.


I am 20 weeks pregnant and was just wondering if you had any tips on how to maintain a healthy and easy pregnancy?  Would you recommend vaginal birth or c-section?

FPO durango18
Joined Sep 24, 2008

Thu, June 10, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for magipl.


Yes you can get pregnant with Crohn's even though for me it's been very difficult. I was diagnosed with crohn's about 10 years ago after I had given birth to my son. Since then, we've had two miscarriages within the last 5 years. They say that it's not related to my crohn's but I'm beginning to get very frustrated. We have had 2 IUI's done and the third will be this month. If that doesn't work, then I'm turning to IVF. The best advise that I can give is make sure that your GI doc and your OBGYN are on the same page. I love both of my docs and they communiate well.

Good Luck! :-)

FPO hesaves
Joined Nov 30, 2009

Thu, May 27, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Amidala.


Thank you for your response, I have a 10 months old and I had to stop breastfeeding him because of asacol and canasa, this week has been awful for me, I feel like my whole life has fallen apart. Are there any natural remedies to treat UC and CD?
Thank you

FPO magipl
Joined May 27, 2010

Thu, May 27, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for magipl.

You sure can, nor Chron´s nor Colitis interfere with fertility, but you have to be on remission in order to persue it. The best way to do it is get an OBGYN that knows about your disease and let your GI dr. know about your intentions of getting pregnant. They will let you know when it``s best for you. Remember that in order to have a healthy baby, you need to be healthier and stronger.

Also there are meds you should avoid during pregnancy, that's why you should keep the comunication open with your drs.

Good Luck

(Mother of 2, just had a my second, with undetermined Colitis)

FPO amidala
Joined Apr 22, 2008

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