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Fact or Fiction

Mon, June 21, 2010 11:51 PM

Hi everyone, i have crohns disease and my one gi doctor told me that it would be benifical for me to get prgnant because it will put me into remission. My Nurse practioner told me that it could help, but it could also be worse for me to get pregnant. Any thoughts?

FPO jackie1980
Joined Jun 27, 2008

Tue, July 13, 2010 1:54 PM

 Reply posted for Jackie1980.

hi, i know this is a late response to your question but i wanted to give you the info that i have. i have crohn's and a few years back decided i wanted to have a child so i did all kinds of research. i found out that if you are going to have a baby you should plan to concieve while you are in remmision for this will give you the best chance of a healthy pregnancy. woman that concieve during flair ups are at higher risk to miscarry and problems durning the pregnancy, also its important to take good care of your health during this time to try and insure you don't have a flair up. I got pregnant during a period of remission and my only issue was i had a flare up from my crohns that showed in my legs but after the 1st trimester it went away and i stayed symptom free and in remission for a long time. my daughter was born with no problems and is now 2 1/2 and i am still not taking any medication for my crohn's.

i wish you the best of luck and i hope that if you do become pregnant that it gives you remission and a healthy baby. 

FPO butterflykisses
Joined Jul 13, 2010

Wed, June 23, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Jackie1980.

it can go either way- I know a few women who do wonderfully and go into full remission when pregnant, but I know another who had a severe flare-up.  She lost the baby, and had a close call with death herself.  I don't mean to scare you, just want to emphasize that you should definitely seek a second, even third opinion before moving ahead- the gung-ho nature of your doctor is a little disconcerting in my humble opinion.  best of luck!!

FPO j9fleri
Joined Jun 6, 2008

Wed, June 23, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Jackie1980.

I've had extensive conversations with my GI about pregnancy and Crohn's and have done some research on the topic. It's true, when you have IBD , there's 1/3 chance you'll go into a flare, 1/3 chance you'll stay the same, and 1/3 chance you'll go into remission. So, the idea that being pregnant will put you in a remission is just not completely true. My doctor said that the best thing I can do is to go into a pregnancy while in remission. But it's still not guarantee that I wouldn't flare at some point in the pregnancy or following birth. He's had several cases of women flaring after birth. So, be careful and my advice is to be as healthy as possible going into the pregnancy and not to get prengant in order to be healthy.

FPO 6mb03
Joined Feb 12, 2010

Tue, June 22, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Amidala.

thanks so much for your words. I would love to have a second child so that my daughter wouldnt be an only child. I just thought that it was going to be out of the question due to my crohns. Can you tell me a little more about your pregnancy? I want to know everything before i make such a life altering decision.

FPO jackie1980
Joined Jun 27, 2008

Tue, June 22, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Jackie1980.

I think you should get a second opinion, even though it was thought that if you were on remission prior to the pregnancy you wouldn`t experience a flare up throughout it...nowadays it is believed that like in many autoimmune diseases, with Crohns and Colitis you have 3 options: to get on better, to stay the same or to get worse.

I was on remission for a year prior to having my second child and experienced a flare from the 14th week, Had to spend half of my pregnancy in bed with the risk of loosing my baby or having him early.

Also, bringing a baby to this world to stay on remission isn`t a good reason I think, but if you are considering to get pregnant cause you WANT to have a baby, just stay on your meds, get a high risk OBGYN that knows your disease and try to be on remission when you concieve.

Hope I helped,

FPO amidala
Joined Apr 22, 2008

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