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Ulcers or swelling other than in your intestines?

Wed, June 23, 2010 12:00 AM

Is there anyone who gets ulcers anywhere on there body other than in there intestines? Anyone who gets swelling? My ankle became very swollen during a flare-up and was just wondering if anyone else had that happen.

FPO ucgirl74
Joined Jun 23, 2010

Thu, June 24, 2010 10:16 PM

 Reply posted for ucgirl74.

My daughter has UC.  She got episcloritis (sorry about the spelling) but it's swelling of the blood vessels in the eyes.  It will go away but she did get some eye drops for it.  Her doc said it's common with UC patients.  There's another more serious condition concerning the iris, I think it's called irisitis (spelling).  Sometimes UC just may cause something else to occur like swelling in the joints, eyes.  But she only had that one time.

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Thu, June 24, 2010 9:02 AM

 Reply posted for LauraE1995.

My dad had Crohn's and he had those red bumps too. I have not had to deal with that though. I went through being in a cast to immobilize my ankele to a walking boot and getting shots in my ankle to them wanting to scope my ankle. Don't think I'll do that! it's amazing what all UC and CD can affect. I'll wait it out. Thank you

FPO ucgirl74
Joined Jun 23, 2010

Thu, June 24, 2010 8:59 AM

 Reply posted for ucgirl74.

I haven't had ulcers anywhere besides my colon, but I did develop painfull red bumps on my legs.  My doctor said it was called Erythema Nodosum, and is fairly common with UC and CD.  I was also told that joint swelling can be a common symptom.  My legs healed after about a month, and from what I've read, your ankle swelling should eventually go away.  I hope you feel better soon.  

FPO laurae1995
Joined Jun 4, 2010

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