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Painful intercourse after starting Cimzia

Wed, June 30, 2010 12:00 AM

Hi all,

I was diagnosed with Crohn's about a year and a half ago, and started cimzia about 7 months ago. Pre-cimzia, I had a very normal sex life with no pain, but starting about 5 or 6 months ago I started experiencing a lot of pain, and an increased tightness. I've seen a gyno, who didn't see anything abnormal, except for what she said were "signs of inflammation", though all STD tests were negative, no infections, and my latest blood tests have all come back relatively normal so I don't think that it could be a fistula. I asked my GI and he said he didn't think it was anything cimzia related, but that's really the only change in my life that corresponds with the start of the pain and tighness. It could very well be a mental problem, since we know that crohn's disease doesn't exactly make for a lot of sexual confidence, but it's been extremely frustrating. Anyone have anything similar? 

FPO sarahcaitlin
Joined Jun 30, 2010

Mon, July 12, 2010 9:41 PM

 Reply posted for vaudry.

thanks for your reply, 

you're right, they're definitely embarrassing details to talk about, so i do appreciate your response! cimzia is working in most other respects, though like all medicines it's not perfect and i have had times when i needed a booster, and then the pain certainly is worse. i'm wondering if it's worth contacting a gynecologist who has experience working with women who have crohn's though i don't know how i'd go about finding one. 

FPO sarahcaitlin
Joined Jun 30, 2010

Sun, July 11, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for sarahcaitlin.

I have painful intercourse when I am in a flare.  Not tightness but I can feel my bowels must be inflamed when penetrated (this is kinda intimate details, and a little embarrassing to talk about, probably why I never mentioned it to my GI).  I think this may be typical of the disease?  But then I haven't been having normal periods lately either.
Is this the only symptom you have?  Is the Cimzia working in all other respects?  These maybe other questions you could be asking to figure out if it's related to the drug or not.  hope this helps. 

FPO vaudry
Joined Jun 18, 2009

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